冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第712期:第三十四章 琼恩(11)(在线收听

   Then you'll stay and say your words with me? “那你会留下来跟我一起宣誓啰?”

  The old gods will be expecting us. He made himself smile. “旧神正在等着我们哪。”他逼自己挤出一丝微笑。
  They set out late that afternoon. 他们于当日下午出发。
  The Wall had no gates as such, neither here at Castle Black nor anywhere along its three hundred miles.  长城沿线三百里没有一座城门,他们得牵马走进穿透冰层的狭窄隧道。
  They led their horses down a narrow tunnel cut through the ice, cold dark walls pressing in around them as the passage twisted and turned. 路径曲折蜿蜒,黑暗而冰冷的冰墙无时无刻不向他们逼近。
  Three times their way was blocked by iron bars,  他们经过三道拦路铁栏,
  and they had to stop while Bowen Marsh drew out his keys and unlocked the massive chains that secured them.  每次都得停下脚步,让波文·马尔锡取出大串钥匙,打开锁住栅栏的厚重铁链。
  Jon could sense the vast weight pressing down on him as he waited behind the Lord Steward. 等候总务长开门时,琼恩感到无比庞然的重量朝他压来。
  The air was colder than a tomb, and more still.  这里的空气阴冷赛过墓穴,且更为凝滞。
  He felt a strange relief when they reemerged into the afternoon light on the north side of the Wall. 等他们终于抵达长城以北,重见午后的阳光,顿时感觉到一股奇异的舒畅。
  Sam blinked at the sudden glare and looked around apprehensively.  面对突如其来的强光,山姆眨眨眼,担忧地环顾四周。
  "The wildlings ... they wouldn't ... they'd never dare come this close to the Wall, Would they?" “野人……他们不会……他们不敢跑到离长城这么近的地方来,是不是?”
  They never have. Jon climbed into his saddle. “从来不敢。”琼恩翻身上马。
  When Bowen Marsh and their ranger escort had mounted, Jon put two fingers in his mouth and whistled. 等波文·马尔锡和护送他们的游骑兵都上了马,琼恩把两根手指伸进嘴巴,吹声口哨,
  Ghost came loping out of the tunnel. 白灵从地道里应声奔出。
  The Lord Steward's garron whickered and backed away from the direwolf.  总务长的坐骑嘶叫着退开。
  "Do you mean to take that beast?" “你要带这野兽一起去?”