冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第713期:第三十四章 琼恩(12)(在线收听

   Yes, my lord, Jon said. “是的,大人。” 琼恩说。

  Ghost's head lifted. He seemed to taste the air.   白灵抬起头,似乎在体验塞外的空气。
  In the blink of an eye he was off, racing across the broad, weed-choked field to vanish in the trees. 然后,只一眨眼功夫他便冲了出去,驰骋过野草蔓生的广阔平原,转瞬间消失在远方的树林里。
  Once they had entered the forest, they were in a different world.  一进森林,他们就恍如置身另一世界。
  Jon had often hunted with his father and Jory and his brother Robb. 从前琼恩常跟父亲、乔里和罗柏一道外出打猎。
  He knew the wolfswood around Winterfell as well as any man. 对临冬城外的狼林了若指掌。
  The haunted forest was much the same, and yet the feel of it was very different. 鬼影森林在样貌上大致相同,但却有种极端殊异的氛围。
  Perhaps it was all in the knowing.  这或许就是一种感觉罢。
  They had ridden past the end of the world; somehow that changed everything. 想到已经越过世界的尽头,一切便都不一样了。
  Every shadow seemed darker, every sound more ominous.  同样的影子,此地更显阴暗,同样的声音,此地更觉不祥。
  The trees pressed close and shut out the light of the setting sun. 树与树之间靠得很近,遮蔽了渐落的斜射阳光。缓而上。
  A thin crust of snow cracked beneath the hooves of their horses, with a sound like breaking bones. 地表的薄雪在马蹄下碎裂,声音脆如断骨。
  When the wind set the leaves to rustling, it was like a chilly finger tracing a path up Jon's spine. 朔风吹拂,落叶沙沙作响,像有无数根冰凉手指沿着背脊缓
  The Wall was at their backs, and only the gods knew what lay ahead. 长城已在后方,前路一片迷离,诸神才知通往何方。
  The sun was sinking below the trees when they reached their destination, 当他们抵达目的地时,夕阳已没入树梢。
  a small clearing in the deep of the wood where nine weirwoods grew in a rough circle.  这是森林深处的一小块空地,九棵鱼梁木长在一起,粗略组成一个圆。
  Jon drew in a breath, and he saw Sam Tarly staring.  琼恩深吸一口气,抬头发现山姆也睁大了眼睛。