冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第718期:第三十五章 艾德(3)(在线收听

   Be so good as to summon the members of the council here to my solar, he told Pycelle. “有劳您把朝廷重臣都请到我书房来。”他告诉派席尔。

  The Tower of the Hand was as secure as he and Tomard could make it; 他和托马德已经尽可能地确保首相塔安全无虞,
  he could not say the same for the council chambers. 换做议事厅他就不敢担保了。
  My lord? Pycelle blinked.  “大人,这样好吗?”派席尔眨眨眼,
  "Surely the affairs of the kingdom will keep till the morrow, when our grief is not so fresh." “是不是等明天我们不那么难过了,再来共商大计?”
  Ned was quiet but firm.  奈德语气平静而坚决。
  "I fear we must convene at once." “恐怕我们必须现在就开会。”
  Pycelle bowed. "As the Hand commands." 派席尔鞠躬,“谨遵首相吩咐。”
  He called his servants and sent them running, then gratefully accepted Ned's offer of a chair and a cup of sweet beer. 他召来仆人,遣他们快步跑去,自己则感激地接受奈德的椅子和一杯甜啤酒。
  Sir Barristan Selmy was the first to answer the summons, immaculate in white cloak and enameled scales. 巴利斯坦·赛尔弥率先抵达,一身雪白披风,雕花铠甲,十足洁白无瑕模样。
  "My lords," he said, "my place is beside the young king now.  “两位大人,”他说,“如今我的职责所在是守护年轻的国王,
  Pray give me leave to attend him." 请让我去服侍他。”
  Your place is here, Sir Barristan, Ned told him. “巴利斯坦爵士,你的职责所在是这里。”奈德告诉他。
  Littlefinger came next, still garbed in the blue velvets and silver mockingbird cape he had worn the night previous,  第二个来的是小指头,依旧穿着昨晚那套蓝天鹅绒和灰仿声鸟斗篷,
  his boots dusty from riding.  靴子上沾了骑马的尘土。
  "My lords," he said, smiling at nothing in particular before he turned to Ned. “诸位大人好,”他泛泛地作个微笑,然后转向奈德。
  "That little task you set me is accomplished, Lord Eddard." “艾德大人,您要我办的那件小事已经妥了。”
  Varys entered in a wash of lavender, pink from his bath, his plump face scrubbed and freshly powdered, 瓦里斯浑身薰衣草味地进来,他刚洗过澡,胖脸刷洗干净又新扑过粉,
  his soft slippers all but soundless.  脚下的软拖鞋轻柔无声。
  "The little birds sing a grievous song today," he said as he seated himself.  “今儿个小小鸟儿唱着悲伤的歌谣,”他边坐下边说,
  "The realm weeps. Shall we begin?" “举国都在哭泣。让我们开始吧?”