冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第719期:第三十五章 艾德(4)(在线收听

   When Lord Renly arrives, Ned said. “先等蓝礼大人。”奈德说。

  Varys gave him a sorrowful look.  瓦里斯哀怨地看了他一眼。
  "I fear Lord Renly has left the city." “恐怕蓝礼大人已经出城了。”
  Left the city? Ned had counted on Renly's support. “出城了?”奈德本寄望蓝礼支持他。
  He took his leave through a postern gate an hour before dawn,  “天亮前一个小时左右,他自侧门离开,
  accompanied by Sir Loras Tyrell and some fifty retainers, Varys told them. 随他一起走的还有洛拉斯·提利尔爵士和五十名随从。”瓦里斯告诉他们,
  "When last seen, they were galloping south in some haste, no doubt bound for Storm's End or Highgarden." “据最新情报,他们正快马加鞭往南赶,无疑是奔风息堡或高庭而去。”
  So much for Renly and his hundred swords. 好个蓝礼的一百士兵。
  Ned did not like the smell of that, but there was nothing to be done for it. 这情形虽对奈德不利,却也无可奈何。
  He drew out Robert's last letter. 他抽出劳勃的遗嘱。
  "The king called me to his side last night and commanded me to record his final words. “昨晚国王召我到他身边,命令我记下他的遗言。
  Lord Renly and Grand Maester Pycelle stood witness as Robert sealed the letter,  劳勃盖下御印时,蓝礼大人和派席尔大学士都在现场作证。
  to be opened by the council after his death. 这封信该等国王陛下死后由御前会议开启。
  Sir Barristan, if you would be so kind?" 巴利斯坦爵士,可否劳您检查一番?”
  The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard examined the paper. 御林铁卫队长仔细检视那张纸。
  "King Robert's seal, and unbroken." “这确是劳勃国王的印信,并未经拆封。”
  He opened the letter and read.  他打开信读出来。
  "Lord Eddard Stark is herein named Protector of the Realm, to rule as regent until the heir comes of age." “史塔克家族的艾德为摄政王及全境守护者,代余统理国事,俟吾之合法继承人成年为止。”
  And as it happens, he is of age, Ned reflected, but he did not give voice to the thought. 事实上,这个继承人早就成年了。奈德心想,但没说出口。
  He trusted neither Pycelle nor Varys, 他不信任派席尔和瓦里斯,
  and Sir Barristan was honor-bound to protect and defend the boy he thought his new king. 巴利斯坦爵士则认定那男孩是新国王,出于荣誉执意要保护他。