冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第720期:第三十四章 艾德(5)(在线收听

   The old knight would not abandon Joffrey easily. 这老骑士只怕不会轻易放弃乔佛里。

  The need for deceit was a bitter taste in his mouth, 虽然用欺骗的方式为他所不愿,
  but Ned knew he must tread softly here, must keep his counsel and play the game until he was firmly established as regent. 但奈德很清楚自己必须步步为营,先不动声色地继续从前的游戏,静待他摄政王的地位逐渐巩固。
  There would be time enough to deal with the succession when Arya and Sansa were safely back in Winterfell,  等艾莉亚和珊莎平安返回临冬城,再来好好解决继承权的问题不迟,
  and Lord Stannis had returned to King's Landing with all his power. 史坦尼斯公爵也带着军队进驻君临。
  I would ask this council to confirm me as Lord Protector, as Robert wished, “我要请诸位依照劳勃遗愿,确认我摄政王的身份。”
  Ned said, watching their faces, wondering what thoughts hid behind Pycelle's half-closed eyes, 奈德边说边看众人的脸,揣测隐藏的是什么样的想法——派席尔那双半阖上的眼睛,
  Littlefinger's lazy half-smile, and the nervous flutter of Varys's fingers. 小指头慵懒的浅笑和瓦里斯焦虑抖动的手指背后。
  The door opened. Fat Tom stepped into the solar. 门突然打开。胖汤姆走进书房。
  "Pardon, my lords, the king's steward insists ... " “诸位大人,请见谅,国王的总管坚持……”
  The royal steward entered and bowed. 御前总管进来鞠躬道:
  "Esteemed lords, the king demands the immediate presence of his small council in the throne room." “各位可敬的大人,国王要求立刻在王座厅召开御前会议。”
  Ned had expected Cersei to strike quickly; the summons came as no surprise.  奈德早料到瑟曦会抢先下手,因此这次召见他丝毫不感意外。
  "The king is dead," he said, "but we shall go with you nonetheless. “国王已死。”他说,“但我们还是跟你去。
  Tom, assemble an escort, if you would." 汤姆,请你安排护送。”
  Littlefinger gave Ned his arm to help him down the steps. 小指头伸手搀扶奈德走下台阶。
  Varys, Pycelle, and Sir Barristan followed close behind. 瓦里斯,派席尔和巴利斯坦爵士紧跟在后。
  A double column of men-at-arms in chainmail and steel helms was waiting outside the tower, eight strong. 身穿锁甲,头戴钢盔的临冬城卫士成两列纵队等在高塔外,一共八人。