冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第721期:第三十四章 艾德(6)(在线收听

   Grey cloaks snapped in the wind as the guardsmen marched them across the yard.  卫士护送他们穿过广场,灰色披风在风中啪啪作响。

  There was no Lannister crimson to be seen, 四下虽不见兰尼斯特的鲜红,
  but Ned was reassured by the number of gold cloaks visible on the ramparts and at the gates. 却有不少金色披风的都城守卫在城墙上和大门边巡逻,令奈德稍觉安心。
  Janos Slynt met them at the door to the throne room,  杰诺斯·史林特在大厅门口迎接,
  armored in ornate black-and-gold plate, with a high-crested helm under one arm. 他穿着一件雕饰华丽的黑金铠甲,腋下夹着一顶高羽头盔。
  The Commander bowed stiffly. 都城守卫司令僵硬地点个头,
  His men pushed open the great oaken doors, twenty feet tall and banded with bronze. 他的部下便推开足有二十尺高、镶青铜边的橡木大门。
  The royal steward led them in.  御前总管领他们进去。
  "All hail His Grace, Joffrey of the Houses Baratheon and Lannister, the First of his Name, “恭迎拜拉席恩家族与兰尼斯特家族的乔佛里一世陛下,
  King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm," he sang out. 安达尔人、洛伊拿人和先民的国王,七国统治者暨全境守护者。”他朗声唱诵。
  It was a long walk to the far end of the hall, where Joffrey waited atop the Iron Throne.  离大厅另一头还有段漫长的路,乔佛里正坐在铁王座上等他。
  Supported by Littlefinger, Ned Stark slowly limped and hopped toward the boy who called himself king.  在小指头的搀扶之下,奈德·史塔克一跛一跛地缓步朝那个自命为王的男孩走去,
  The others followed. 其他人紧随在后。
  The first time he had come this way, he had been on horseback, sword in hand,  他头一次走上这条路,乃是身骑骏马,手持利剑,
  and the Targaryen dragons had watched from the walls as he forced Jaime Lannister down from the throne. 逼迫詹姆·兰尼斯特走下王座,坦格利安的龙头则从四面墙壁上冷眼旁观。
  He wondered if Joffrey would step down quite so easily. 他不知乔佛里是否也会那么听话地放弃王位。
  Five knights of the Kingsguard, all but Sir Jaime and Sir Barristan, 五名御林铁卫——除开詹姆爵士和巴利斯坦爵士——
  were arrayed in a crescent around the base of the throne. 全部到场,呈新月形围绕着王座底部。