冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第722期:第三十四章 艾德(7)(在线收听

   They were in full armor, enameled steel from helm to heel, 他们全副武装,从头到脚披挂着精美的铠甲头盔,

  long pale cloaks over their shoulders, shining white shields strapped to their left arms. 长长的白披风抖在身后,闪亮的白盾牌绑上左臂。
  Cersei Lannister and her two younger children stood behind Sir Boros and Sir Meryn.  瑟曦·兰尼斯特和她两个年纪较小的孩子站在柏洛斯爵士和马林爵士后面。
  The queen wore a gown of sea-green silk, trimmed with Myrish lace as pale as foam.  王后穿了一袭海绿色丝质长袍,边上绣了白如浪花的密尔蕾丝。
  On her finger was a golden ring with an emerald the size of a pigeon's egg, on her head a matching tiara. 手上带了一枚镶有鸽子蛋那么大翡翠的金戒指,头上还有一顶式样相称的金头环。
  Above them, Prince Joffrey sat amidst the barbs and spikes in a cloth-of-gold doublet and a red satin cape. 在他们上方密布尖刺的椅子里,坐了穿着金线外衣,红缎披风的乔佛里。
  Sandor Clegane was stationed at the foot of the throne's steep narrow stair. 桑铎·克里冈站在王座陡峭而狭窄的楼梯口。
  He wore mail and soot-grey plate and his snarling dog's-head helm. 他身穿烟灰色的铠甲,戴着那顶狰狞狗头盔。
  Behind the throne, twenty Lannister guardsmen waited with longswords hanging from their belts. 王座后方,有二十名腰悬长剑的兰尼斯特卫士。
  Crimson cloaks draped their shoulders and steel lions crested their helms. 他们肩膀悬挂鲜红披风,头上顶着雄狮钢盔。
  But Littlefinger had kept his promise: 但小指头果然信守诺言:
  all along the walls, in front of Robert's tapestries with their scenes of hunt and battle, 在两侧墙边,在劳勃那些描绘狩猎和战争的壁毯下,
  the gold-cloaked ranks of the City Watch stood stiffly to attention,  挺立着金披风的都城守卫队,做好了一切准备,
  each man's hand clasped around the haft of an eight-foot-long spear tipped in black iron. 他们每个人手里都紧握着黑铁枪尖的八尺长矛。
  They outnumbered the Lannisters five to one. 人数则足足是兰尼斯特士兵的五倍。
  Ned's leg was a blaze of pain by the time he stopped. 当奈德停下脚步,他的断腿已经痛得难以忍受,
  He kept a hand on Littlefinger's shoulder to help support his weight. 只好一手搭着小指头的肩膀稳住身子。