冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第723期:第三十四章 艾德(8)(在线收听

   Joffrey stood. His red satin cape was patterned in gold thread; 乔佛里站起来。他的红缎披风绣了金线,

  fifty roaring lions to one side, fifty prancing stags to the other.  一边是五十只怒吼雄狮,另一边则是五十只跳跃公鹿。
  "I command the council to make all the necessary arrangements for my coronation," the boy proclaimed.  “我命令御前会议全速准备我的加冕仪式,”男孩宣布,
  "I wish to be crowned within the fortnight. “我希望在两周内完成加冕。
  Today I shall accept oaths of fealty from my loyal councillors." 今天我要接受朝廷重臣的宣誓效命。”
  Ned produced Robert's letter.  奈德取出劳勃的信。
  "Lord Varys, be so kind as to show this to my lady of Lannister." “瓦里斯大人,有劳您将这封信拿给兰尼斯特家族的夫人。”
  The eunuch carried the letter to Cersei. 太监把信递给瑟曦,
  The queen glanced at the words. 王后瞄了一眼。
  "Protector of the Realm," she read.  “全境守护者,”她念道,
  "Is this meant to be your shield, my lord? A piece of paper?" “大人,您想拿这当挡箭牌吗?就区区一张纸?”
  She ripped the letter in half, ripped the halves in quarters, and let the pieces flutter to the floor. 她将纸撕成两半,再撕成四片,碎片散落一地。
  Those were the king's words, Sir Barristan said, shocked. “那是国王的遗嘱啊。”巴利斯坦爵士骇然。
  We have a new king now, Cersei Lannister replied. “我们有了新国王。”瑟曦·兰尼斯特说,
  "Lord Eddard, when last we spoke, you gave me some counsel.  “艾德大人,上次我们见面,您给了我一些建议,
  Allow me to return the courtesy.  现在让我也回个礼。
  Bend the knee, my lord. 跪下,大人。
  Bend the knee and swear fealty to my son,  只要您下跪宣誓效忠我儿子,
  and we shall allow you to step down as Hand and live out your days in the grey waste you call home." 我们就准许您卸下首相职务,回到那片您称之为家的灰色荒原安享晚年。”
  Would that I could, Ned said grimly.  “我倒期望如此。”奈德冷冷地说。
  If she was so determined to force the issue here and now, she left him no choice. 既然她执意在此时此地做个了断,那他别无选择。
  "Your son has no claim to the throne he sits. “但你儿子无权继承王位。
  Lord Stannis is Robert's true heir." 史坦尼斯大人才是劳勃合法的继承人。”