冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第729期:第三十四章 艾莉亚(4)(在线收听

   A knight of the Kingsguard stood beneath the arch of the door with five Lannister guardsmen arrayed behind him.  一名御林铁卫站在门拱下,身后跟了五个兰尼斯特卫士。

  He was in full armor, but his visor was up. 他全副武装,只把头盔的面罩打开。
  Arya remembered his droopy eyes and rustcolored whiskers from when he had come to Winterfell with the king: Sir Meryn Trant.  此人陪国王来临冬城作客时,艾莉亚见过他,记得他那低垂的眼睛和铁锈色的小胡子,这必是马林·特兰爵士无疑。
  The red cloaks wore mail shirts over boiled leather and steel caps with lion crests. 红披风的侍卫穿着皮革背心和锁甲,头戴雄狮钢盔。
  "Arya Stark," the knight said, "come with us, child." “艾莉亚·史塔克,”骑士说,“孩子,跟我们走。”
  Arya chewed her lip uncertainly. "What do you want?" 艾莉亚犹豫不决地噘起嘴。“你们找我做什么?”
  Your father wants to see you. “你父亲要见你。”
  Arya took a step forward, but Syrio Forel held her by the arm.  艾莉亚向前走了一步,但西利欧·佛利尔握住她的手。
  "And why is it that Lord Eddard is sending Lannister men in the place of his own? I am wondering." “艾德大人为何不派他的手下,反而派兰尼斯特家的人来呢?我很好奇。”
  Mind your place, dancing master, Sir Meryn said. "This is no concern of yours." “舞蹈老师,别不识好歹,”马林爵士说,“此事与你无关。”
  My father wouldn't send you, Arya said. She snatched up her stick sword. The Lannisters laughed. “我父亲才不会派你们来呢。”艾莉亚说着举起她的木剑。兰尼斯特侍卫见了哈哈大笑。
  Put down the stick, girl, Sir Meryn told her. “小妹妹乖,把棍子放下,”马林爵士告诉她,
  "I am a Sworn Brother of the Kingsguard, the White Swords." “我乃御林铁卫众弟兄的一员,是宣誓效命的白骑士。”
  So was the Kingslayer when he killed the old king, Arya said. “杀老国王的弑君者也是啊。”艾莉亚说,
  "I don't have to go with you if I don't want." “我不想去,我不想跟你走。”
  Sir Meryn Trant ran out of patience. 马林·特兰爵士没了耐性。
  "Take her," he said to his men. He lowered the visor of his helm. “抓住她。”他对手下说,然后放下面罩。
  Three of them started forward, chainmail clinking softly with each step. 三个卫士向前走来,锁子甲随着跨出的每一步发出清脆的碰撞。
  Arya was suddenly afraid.  艾莉亚突然害怕起来。
  Fear cuts deeper than swords, she told herself, to slow the racing of her heart. 恐惧比利剑更伤人,她告诉自己,慢慢缓和狂乱的心跳。