冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第731期:第三十四章 艾莉亚(6)(在线收听

   The red cloaks came at him from three sides with steel in their hands. 红袍武士握着钢剑从三面向他进逼,

  They had chainmail over their chest and arms, and steel codpieces sewn into their pants, but only leather on their legs.  他们的胸膛和手臂受锁甲保护,短裤缝了金属护膝,但脚上只有皮革绑腿,
  Their hands were bare, and the caps they wore had noseguards, but no visor over the eyes. 双手暴露在外。他们的头盔虽有护鼻,却没有面罩遮眼。
  Syrio did not wait for them to reach him, but spun to his left. 西利欧不等他们靠近,便闪身向左。
  Arya had never seen a man move so fast. 艾莉亚不敢想象人的动作竟能那么快。
  He checked one sword with his stick and whirled away from a second.  他用木棍挡住一把剑,旋身躲过第二把。
  Off balance, the second man lurched into the first. 第二个人失去重心,踉跄着朝先前那人跌去。
  Syrio put a boot to his back and the red cloaks went down together. 西利欧朝他后背补上一脚,两个红袍武士摔成一团。
  The third guard came leaping over them, slashing at the water dancer's head. 第三个卫士跳过他们冲来,挥剑往水舞者的头砍去。
  Syrio ducked under his blade and thrust upward. 西利欧身子一低,向上疾刺。
  The guardsman fell screaming as blood welled from the wet red hole where his left eye had been. 那名守卫惨叫倒地,本来是左眼的地方,如今只剩一个血淋淋的窟窿。
  The fallen men were getting up. 摔倒的人准备爬起。
  Syrio kicked one in the face and snatched the steel cap off the other's head.  西利欧踢中一人的面门,扯下男一人的头盔。
  The dagger man stabbed at him. 拿匕首的人朝他猛刺,
  Syrio caught the thrust in the helmet and shattered the man's kneecap with his stick. 西利欧用头盔接住他的攻势,然后用木棍敲碎了来人的膝盖。
  The last red cloak shouted a curse and charged, hacking down with both hands on his sword. 最后一个红袍武士喝骂一声,双手持剑,猛力挥砍着朝他冲锋。
  Syrio rolled right, and the butcher's cut caught the helmetless man between neck and shoulder as he struggled to his knees. 西利欧疾闪向右,于是那个没了头盔,正挣扎着站起的人遭了殃,那记屠夫般的猛斩正中他肩脖交接处。
  The longsword crunched through mail and leather and flesh. 利剑砍碎锁甲、皮革和血肉,
  The man on his knees shrieked. 此人跪倒在地,厉声惨叫。
  Before his killer could wrench free his blade, Syrio jabbed him in the apple of his throat.  杀他的人还来不及抽出剑,西利欧已刺中他的喉头。
  The guardsman gave a choked cry and staggered back, clutching at his neck, his face blackening. 卫士发出窒息般的叫声,蹒跚后退,双手掐着脖子,脸如死灰。