冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第734期:第三十四章 艾莉亚(9)(在线收听

   Arya thrust her wooden sword through her belt and began to climb, leaping from cask to cask until she could reach the window. 艾莉亚把木剑插进腰带,开始攀爬,在酒桶之间跳跃,终于到了窗边。

  Grasping the stone with both hands, she pulled herself up. 她双手勾住石头往上拉。
  The wall was three feet thick, the window a tunnel slanting up and out.  墙壁足有三尺厚,窗户有如一条往上向外倾斜的隧道。
  Arya wriggled toward daylight. 艾莉亚扭动身躯,朝天光爬去。
  When her head reached ground level, she peered across the bailey to the Tower of the Hand. 当她的头到达地面的高度时,她隔着内城,朝首相塔望去。
  The stout wooden door hung splintered and broken, as if by axes.  原本坚实的木门只剩裂片、破败不堪,似乎被斧头砍烂。
  A dead man sprawled facedown on the steps, his cloak tangled beneath him, the back of his mailed shirt soaked red. 一个死人面朝下倒在阶梯上,披风压在身子下,后背的锁甲衫上全是鲜血。
  The corpse's cloak was grey wool trimmed with white satin, she saw with sudden terror.  她突然惊恐地发现那是件灰羊毛镶白缎边的披风。
  She could not tell who he was. 但她看不出来那是谁。
  No, she whispered. What was happening? “怎么会这样?”她小声说。到底出了什么事?
  Where was her father? Why had the red cloaks come for her? 父亲又在哪里?红袍武士为何来抓她?
  She remembered what the man with the yellow beard had said, the day she had found the monsters.  她忆起自己发现怪兽那天,那个黄胡子男人所说过的话:
  If one Hand can die, why not a second?  既然死了一个首相,为什么不能死第二个?
  Arya felt tears in her eyes.  艾莉亚眼里不自觉地充满泪水。
  She held her breath to listen. 她屏气倾听,
  She heard the sounds of fighting, shouts, screams, the clang of steel on steel, coming through the windows of the Tower of the Hand. 听见从首相塔窗内传出打斗声,叫喊声,哀嚎声和武器交击声。
  She could not go back. Her father...  她不能回去。父亲他……
  Arya closed her eyes. For a moment she was too frightened to move.  艾莉亚闭上了眼睛,一时间害怕得不敢动弹。