冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第735期:第三十四章 艾莉亚(10)(在线收听

   They had killed Jory and Wyl and Heward, and that guardsman on the step, whoever he had been.  他们杀了乔里、韦尔和海华,以及楼梯上那个不知名的守卫。

  They could kill her father too, and her if they caught her.  说不定他们也会杀掉父亲,若她被逮着的话,恐怕也难逃一死。
  "Fear cuts deeper than swords," she said aloud, but it was no good pretending to be a water dancer,  “恐惧比利剑更伤人,”她大声说,但假装自己是水舞者无济于事,
  Syrio had been a water dancer and the white knight had probably killed him,  何况身为水舞者的西利欧很可能已死在白骑士手下。
  and anyhow she was only a little girl with a wooden stick, alone and afraid.  她只是个担惊受怕、孤伶伶的小女孩,手中只有一把木剑。
  She squirmed out into the yard, glancing around warily as she climbed to her feet.  她挤着身子,爬进广场,小心翼翼地环顾四周后,方才站起。
  The castle seemed deserted. The Red Keep was never deserted.  城堡似乎空无一人,可城堡绝不可能空无一人。
  All the people must be hiding inside, their doors barred.  大家一定都关上门躲了起来。
  Arya glanced up longingly at her bedchamber,  艾莉亚思慕地望望自己的卧房,
  then moved away from the Tower of the Hand, keeping close to the wall as she slid from shadow to shadow.  然后沿着墙边阴影,离开了首相塔。
  She pretended she was chasing cats... except she was the cat now, and if they caught her, they would kill her. 她假装自己在抓猫……只可惜现在被抓的是她,而一旦被抓,铁定没命。
  Moving between buildings and over walls, keeping stone to her back wherever possible so no one could surprise her,  艾莉亚在建筑和高墙间穿梭,尽可能背靠着墙,防止别人偷袭,
  Arya reached the stables almost without incident.  最后总算平安无事地抵达马厩。
  A dozen gold cloaks in mail and plate ran past as she was edging across the inner bailey,  穿过内城时,她看到十来个全副武装、穿着锁甲和全身铠甲的金袍卫士从身边跑过,
  but without knowing whose side they were on, she hunched down low in the shadows and let them pass. 但由于不知他们站哪一边,所以她躲在阴影里蹲低身子等他们过去。
  Hullen, who had been master of horse at Winterfell as long as Arya could remember, was slumped on the ground by the stable door.  从艾莉亚有记忆以来便担任临冬城马房总管的胡伦趴在马厩门边的地上。
  He had been stabbed so many times it looked as if his tunic was patterned with scarlet flowers. 他身上中刀无数,以致于外衣好似绣满了腥红花朵。