冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第736期:第三十六章 艾莉亚(11)(在线收听

   Arya was certain he was dead, but when she crept closer, his eyes opened. 艾莉亚本来确定他已经死了,然而等她爬进去,他却睁开眼睛。

  "Arya Underfoot," he whispered. "You must... warn your... your lord father... " “捣蛋鬼艾莉亚,”他小声说,“你快去……警告你……你父亲大人……”
  Frothy red spittle bubbled from his mouth.  马房总管嘴里冒出红色泡沫,
  The master of horse closed his eyes again and said no more. 接着合上眼睛,不再说话。
  Inside were more bodies; a groom she had played with, and three of her father's household guard.  马厩里陈尸累累,有一个跟她玩耍过的马僮,三个父亲的贴身护卫。
  A wagon, laden with crates and chests, stood abandoned near the door of the stable.  一辆满载箱子行李的马车弃置门边。
  The dead men must have been loading it for the trip to the docks when they were attacked.  这些人遭到攻击时,想必是正准备把东西运到码头吧。
  Arya snuck closer. One of the corpses was Desmond, who'd shown her his longsword and promised to protect her father.  艾莉亚偷偷靠近,发现其中一具尸首是戴斯蒙,那个曾经拿长剑给她看,向她保证会保护父亲的戴斯蒙。
  He lay on his back, staring blindly at the ceiling as flies crawled across his eyes. 他背朝地,空洞地仰视屋顶,苍蝇爬过他的眼睛。
  Close to him was a dead man in the red cloak and lion-crest helm of the Lannisters. Only one, though.   他旁边死了一个戴着狮盔的兰尼斯特红袍武士。只有一个。
  Every northerner is worth ten of these southron swords, Desmond had told her.  戴斯蒙不是告诉她“咱北方人一个人抵得上南方人十个”吗?
  "You liar!" she said, kicking his body in a sudden fury. “你骗人!”她突然一阵暴怒,踢了那尸体一脚。
  The animals were restless in their stalls, whickering and snorting at the scent of blood.  厩里的马都吓坏了,嘶叫个不停,不时对着呛鼻的血腥吐气。
  Arya's only plan was to saddle a horse and flee, away from the castle and the city.  艾莉亚脑中所想只是赶紧找匹马儿放上马鞍,然后溜之大吉,逃得远远的。
  All she had to do was stay on the kingsroad and it would take her back to Winterfell.  她只要沿着国王大道,就可以回到临冬城。
  She took a bridle and harness off the wall. 于是她从墙上拿下一副马鞍和缰绳。