冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第737期:第三十四章 艾莉亚(12)(在线收听

   As she crossed in back of the wagon, a fallen chest caught her eye. 当她走到马车背后时,一个倒在地上的箱子吸引了她的注意。

  It must have been knocked down in the fight or dropped as it was being loaded.  箱子一定是在打斗中被碰落,或在搬运途中掉下的。
  The wood had split, the lid opening to spill the chest's contents across the ground. 木板已经裂开,箱盖向上掀起,东西洒了一地。
  Arya recognized silks and satins and velvets she never wore.  艾莉亚看到那些她从没穿过的绫罗绸缎,
  She might need warm clothes on the kingsroad, though... and besides...  不过,旅行途中她可能会需要御寒衣物……而且……
  Arya knelt in the dirt among the scattered clothes.  艾莉亚跪在泥地上散乱的衣物之中。
  She found a heavy woolen cloak, a velvet skirt and a silk tunic and some smallclothes,  她找到一件厚重的羊毛斗篷,一条天鹅绒裙子和一件丝质外衣,几条内衣裤,
  a dress her mother had embroidered for her, a silver baby bracelet she might sell.  一件母亲为她缝制的裙服,还有一个可以变卖的银手镯。
  Shoving the broken lid out of the way, she groped inside the chest for Needle.  她推开破裂的盖板,在衣箱里翻找“缝衣针”。
  She had hidden it way down at the bottom, under everything, but her stuff had all been jumbled around when the chest was dropped. 她原本把剑藏在箱子最底端,可箱子掉落时东西全搅成一团。
  For a moment Arya was afraid someone had found the sword and stolen it.  艾莉亚突然很害怕有人先她一步找到剑,并把剑给偷走了。
  Then her fingers felt the hardness of metal under a satin gown. 好在她的手指随即碰触到缎子礼服下的坚硬金属。
  "There she is," a voice hissed close behind her. “原来她在这儿啊。”一个声音嘶喊着朝她逼近。
  Startled, Arya whirled. 艾莉亚惊慌旋身。
  A stableboy stood behind her, a smirk on his face, his filthy white undertunic peeking out from beneath a soiled jerkin.  只见眼前站了个马僮,他脸上挂着不自然的笑容,穿了件脏兮兮的皮背心,里面也是件肮脏的白上衣,
  His boots were covered with manure, and he had a pitchfork in one hand.  靴子沾满肥料,一手拿着根干草叉。
  "Who are you?" she asked. “你是谁?”她问。
  "She don't know me," he said, "but I knows her, oh, yes. The wolf girl." “她不认得我,”他说,“可我却认得她哩,嘿嘿,没错,认得小狼女哟。”