冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第738期:第三十四章 艾莉亚(13)(在线收听

   Help me saddle a horse, Arya pleaded, reaching back into the chest, groping for Needle.  “帮我装马鞍好吗?”艾莉亚拜托他,一边伸手到箱里,掏拿缝衣针。

  "My father's the Hand of the King, he'll reward you." “我父亲是国王的首相,他会奖赏你的。”
  Father's dead, the boy said.  “你老爸死翘翘啦。”
  He shuffled toward her.  男孩边说边向她靠近。
  "It's the queen who'll be rewarding me. Come here, girl." “会奖赏我的是王后。小妹妹,过来。”
  Stay away! Her fingers closed around Needle's hilt. “不要过来!”她握住缝衣针的剑柄。
  I says, come. He grabbed her arm, hard. “我叫你‘过来’。”他使劲抓住她的手。
  Everything Syrio Forel had ever taught her vanished in a heartbeat.  在那性命攸关的刹那,西利欧·佛瑞尔教她的一切招式全部消失无踪。
  In that instant of sudden terror, the only lesson Arya could remember was the one Jon Snow had given her, the very first. 在那恐惧的瞬间,艾莉亚惟一记得的要诀是琼恩·雪诺教她的那一招,她学会的第一招。
  She stuck him with the pointy end, driving the blade upward with a wild, hysterical strength. 她用尖的那端去刺敌人,使出突如其来、歇斯底里般的蛮力往上猛刺。
  Needle went through his leather jerkin and the white flesh of his belly and came out between his shoulder blades.  缝衣针刺进他的皮背心和白肚皮,从肩胛骨穿出来。
  The boy dropped the pitchfork and made a soft noise, something between a gasp and a sigh.  男孩抛下干草叉,发出介于惊呼和叹息之间的绵软声音。
  His hands closed around the blade.  他的手抓住剑。
  "Oh, gods," he moaned, as his undertunic began to redden. "Take it out." “喔,老天。”他呻吟道。他的上衣开始泛红。“把它拔出来。”
  When she took it out, he died. 等她拔出剑,他已经死了。
  The horses were screaming. 马儿惊慌嘶叫。
  Arya stood over the body, still and frightened in the face of death.  艾莉亚站在尸体旁,面对死亡,镇静而又害怕。
  Blood had gushed from the boy's mouth as he collapsed, and more was seeping from the slit in his belly, pooling beneath his body.  男孩倒地时口冒鲜血,现在有更多的血从他腹部伤口涌出,在尸身下聚集成潭。