冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第740期:第三十四章 艾莉亚(15)(在线收听

   Arya tried to think of another way.  艾莉亚绞尽脑汁地搜索别的逃跑路线,

  If she crossed to the other side of the castle, she could creep along the river wall and through the little godswood...  如果她穿过城堡的另一边,可以沿着河岸的城墙,走过小神木林……
  but first she'd have to cross the yard, in the plain view of the guards on the walls. 但她必须首先冒着城上守卫的众目睽睽,越过眼前这片广场。
  She had never seen so many men on the walls.  她从没见过这么多人同时站在城墙上。
  Gold cloaks, most of them, armed with spears. 其中大多是持枪的金袍武士,
  Some of them knew her by sight.  他们中有些人一眼就可认出她来。
  What would they do if they saw her running across the yard?  如果他们见她跑过广场,会怎么做?
  She'd look so small from up there, would they be able to tell who she was? Would they care? 城墙距离这么远,她看起来一定像个小不点,他们还能辨别她吗?他们会理会一个小女孩吗?
  She had to leave now, she told herself, but when the moment came, she was too frightened to move. 她告诉自己必须立刻动身,然而当要实际采取行动,她却害怕得不敢动弹。
  Calm as still water, a small voice whispered in her ear.  止如水,一个小小的声音在耳畔响起。
  Arya was so startled she almost dropped her bundle.  艾莉亚吓了一大跳,差点把东西掉在地上。
  She looked around wildly, but there was no one in the stable but her, and the horses, and the dead men. 她慌乱地环顾四周,但马厩里除了她就只有马儿和死人。
  Quiet as a shadow, she heard.  静如影,那声音又来了。
  Was it her own voice, or Syrio's? She could not tell, yet somehow it calmed her fears. 她说不准这是自己的声音,还是西利欧的话语,但不知怎地她渐渐不怕了。
  She stepped out of the stable. 她迈开步伐,走出马厩。
  It was the scariest thing she'd ever done.  这是她一辈子所做过最恐怖的事。
  She wanted to run and hide, but she made herself walk across the yard,  她想拔腿就跑,找个地方躲起来,但她强迫自己“走”完全程,
  slowly, putting one foot in front of the other as if she had all the time in the world and no reason to be afraid of anyone. 慢慢地,一步接一步,仿佛她多的是时间,完全没必要害怕。
  She thought she could feel their eyes, like bugs crawling on her skin under her clothes. 她感觉到他们的视线如同虫子一样在她衣服下爬来爬去,