冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第741期:第三十四章 艾莉亚(16)(在线收听

   Arya never looked up. 但她头也不抬。

  If she saw them watching, all her courage would desert her, she knew,  艾莉亚很清楚如果她看见他们盯着自己,所有的勇气都会弃她而去,
  and she would drop the bundle of clothes and run and cry like a baby, and then they would have her.  然后她就会扔下衣服,像个小婴儿一样哭哭啼啼,逃之夭夭。然后她要被抓了。
  She kept her gaze on the ground.  她便只瞧地面。
  By the time she reached the shadow of the royal sept on the far side of the yard, Arya was cold with sweat, but no one had raised the hue and cry. 等艾莉亚抵达广场彼端王家圣堂的阴影下,已经一身冷汗。好在没有人注意到她,没有人出声吆喝。
  The sept was open and empty. Inside, half a hundred prayer candles burned in a fragrant silence. 圣堂空荡荡的,里面,五十来支蜡烛静静地发散香气。
  Arya figured the gods would never miss two.  艾莉亚猜想天上诸神应该不会介意少两根吧。
  She stuffed them up her sleeves, and left by a back window.  于是她揣了两根塞进袖子,然后从后窗离开。
  Sneaking back to the alley where she had cornered the one-eared tom was easy, but after that she got lost. 潜回先前她堵住独耳公猫的巷子简单,但之后要找路就难了。
  She crawled in and out of windows, hopped over walls, and felt her way through dark cellars, quiet as a shadow. 她爬进爬出,翻过一道道围墙,在黑暗的地窖里摸索。静如影。
  Once she heard a woman weeping.  途中她还听见女人的哭泣。
  It took her more than an hour to find the low narrow window that slanted down to the dungeon where the monsters waited. 足足花了一个多小时她才找到那扇向下倾斜,通往怪兽地牢的窄窗。
  She tossed her bundle through and doubled back to light her candle.  她先把包裹丢进去,然后快步跑回去点蜡烛。
  That was chancy; the fire she'd remembered seeing had burnt down to embers, and she heard voices as she was blowing on the coals. 这太惊险了。她印象中的炭火已经烧得只剩余烬,当她忙着吹气以让它重新活跃时,听见有人进屋的声音。
  Cupping her fingers around the flickering candle, she went out the window as they were coming in the door, without ever getting a glimpse of who it was. 她赶在他们进门前,用手呵护摇曳的烛焰,从窗户翻出去,连瞥一眼来者是谁都来不及。
  This time the monsters did not frighten her. They seemed almost old friends.  这回她一点也不怕那些怪兽,甚至觉得他们像老朋友。