冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第745期:第三十七章 珊莎(1)(在线收听

   She thought that kindness might lift Jeyne's spirits, but the other girl just looked at her with red, swollen eyes and began to cry all the harder.  她本以为如此好心的提议定可提起珍妮的精神,想不到她却用红肿的眼睛怔怔地看她,然后哭得更厉害。

  She was such a child. 真是个长不大的小孩。
  Sansa had wept too, the first day.  事发当天,珊莎也哭过。
  Even within the stout walls of Maegor's Holdfast, with her door closed and barred, it was hard not to be terrified when the killing began.  纵然有梅葛楼重重厚墙所保护,且房门紧闭放下门闩,但屠杀开始时却依旧骇人。
  She had grown up to the sound of steel in the yard, and scarcely a day of her life had passed without hearing the clash of sword on sword, 她从小听着广场上的金铁交击声长大,几乎天天都会见识刀剑,
  yet somehow knowing that the fighting was real made all the difference in the world.  可一旦知道外面是来真的,一切又都不一样了。
  She heard it as she had never heard it before, and there were other sounds as well,  它们变得那么陌生,闻所未闻的声音不断传来:
  grunts of pain, angry curses, shouts for help, and the moans of wounded and dying men.  吃痛闷哼声、愤怒咒骂声、呼喊求救声,以及负伤垂死之人的呻吟。
  In the songs, the knights never screamed nor begged for mercy. 歌谣里的骑士从来不会惨叫,从来不会跪地求饶。
  So she wept, pleading through her door for them to tell her what was happening,  所以她哭了,隔着门请求他们告诉她到底发生了什么。
  calling for her father, for Septa Mordane, for the king, for her gallant prince.  她呼唤父亲,呼唤茉丹修女,呼唤国王,呼唤她的白马王子。
  If the men guarding her heard her pleas, they gave no answer.  可惜就算门外守卫听见了她的哀求,他们也没有回应。
  The only time the door opened was late that night, when they thrust Jeyne Poole inside, bruised and shaking.  他们只在当天深夜打开门,把浑身淤伤、颤抖不已的珍妮·普尔推进来。
  "They're killing everyone," the steward's daughter had shrieked at her. She went on and on.  “他们把所有人都杀光了。”管家的女儿朝她尖叫。
  The Hound had broken down her door with a warhammer, she said. 说猎狗拿着战锤破门进入她的房间,
  There were bodies on the stair of the Tower of the Hand, and the steps were slick with blood.  首相塔的螺旋梯上全是死尸,染血的阶梯滑溜溜的。