冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第746期:第三十七章 珊莎(2)(在线收听

   Sansa dried her own tears as she struggled to comfort her friend.  珊莎擦干眼泪,努力安慰自己的朋友。

  They went to sleep in the same bed, cradled in each other's arms like sisters. 她们睡在同一张床上,相互搂抱,宛如姐妹。
  The second day was even worse.  第二天情况更糟。
  The room where Sansa had been confined was at the top of the highest tower of Maegor's Holdfast. 珊莎被监禁的房间位于梅葛楼最高塔的顶层。
  From its window, she could see that the heavy iron portcullis in the gatehouse was down,  从窗户望去可以看到城门楼的铁闸已经放下,
  and the drawbridge drawn up over the deep dry moat that separated the keep-within-a-keep from the larger castle that surrounded it. 干涸护城河上的吊桥升起,切断了这座城中城与城堡其余部分的联系。
  Lannister guardsmen prowled the walls with spears and crossbows to hand.  兰尼斯特卫兵手执长枪和十字弓逡巡于城墙之上。
  The fighting was over, and the silence of the grave had settled over the Red Keep.  打斗已经结束,宛如墓地般的死寂笼罩了红堡,
  The only sounds were Jeyne Poole's endless whimpers and sobs. 只剩下珍妮·普尔无尽的抽噎啜泣。
  They were fed, hard cheese and fresh-baked bread and milk to break their fast, roast chicken and greens at midday, and a late supper of beef and barley stew,  她们没被饿着——早餐是硬乳酪,刚出炉的面包和牛奶,中午是烤鸡和青蔬,晚餐则是牛肉大麦浓汤,
  but the servants who brought the meals would not answer Sansa's questions.  但送饭的人拒绝回答珊莎的问题。
  That evening, some women brought her clothes from the Tower of the Hand, and some of Jeyne's things as well, 当天傍晚,有几位妇人从首相塔带了些她和珍妮的衣物过来,
  but they seemed nearly as frightened as Jeyne, and when she tried to talk to them, they fled from her as if she had the grey plague.  可她们惊慌失措的程度与珍妮不相上下,她刚要开口问话,她们便仿如见了灰疫病般避之唯恐不及。
  The guards outside the door still refused to let them leave the room. 门外的守卫也依旧不让她们离开房间。