冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第747期:第三十七章 珊莎(3)(在线收听

   She'll want to talk to me, I know she will.  “她想见我的,我知道。

  Tell her I want to see her, please.  请你们转告她我要见她。
  If not the queen, then Prince Joffrey, if you'd be so kind. 如果见不到王后,那麻烦你们去找乔佛里王子。
  We're to marry when we're older. 我和他长大以后要结婚的。”
  At sunset on the second day, a great bell began to ring.  震耳欲聋的钟声于那天日落时分响起。
  Its voice was deep and sonorous, and the long slow clanging filled Sansa with a sense of dread.  钟声沉厚而洪亮,缓慢悠长的余音却教珊莎感到莫名的恐惧。
  The ringing went on and on, and after a while they heard other bells answering from the Great Sept of Baelor on Visenya's Hill.  钟声响而未绝,一会儿之后她们听见维桑尼亚丘陵上贝勒大圣堂里的钟也跟着回应。
  The sound rumbled across the city like thunder, warning of the storm to come. 声音宛如阵雷,轰隆响彻全城,预示着即将来临的狂风暴雨。
  What is it? Jeyne asked, covering her ears. "Why are they ringing the bells?" “发生了什么事?”珍妮捂着耳朵问,“他们为什么敲钟?”
  The king is dead. Sansa could not say how she knew it, yet she did.  “国王驾崩了。”珊莎说不上自己如何知道,但她就是知道。
  The slow, endless clanging filled their room, as mournful as a dirge.  缓慢而无止尽的钟声充斥房间,哀伤有如挽歌。
  Had some enemy stormed the castle and murdered King Robert?  难道有敌人攻进城里,杀害了劳勃国王?
  Was that the meaning of the fighting they had heard? 难道这就是她们所听见的打斗?
  She went to sleep wondering, restless, and fearful. 她满脑疑惑地睡去,睡得很不安稳,提心吊胆。
  Was her beautiful Joffrey the king now?  她英俊的乔佛里如今是国王了吗?
  Or had they killed him too?  还是他们连他也一起杀了?
  She was afraid for him, and for her father.  她为他担心,也为父亲害怕。
  If only they would tell her what was happening...  如果他们告诉她外面究竟怎么回事就好了……
  That night Sansa dreamt of Joffrey on the throne, with herself seated beside him in a gown of woven gold.  那天晚上,珊莎梦见乔佛里坐在王位上,她自己则穿着一袭金衣靠在他身旁,
  She had a crown on her head, and everyone she had ever known came before her, to bend the knee and say their courtesies. 头顶冠冕,她所认识的每个人都来到她面前屈膝致意。