冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第748期:第三十七章 珊莎(4)(在线收听

   The next morning, the morning of the third day, Sir Boros Blount of the Kingsguard came to escort her to the queen. 翌日清晨,亦即第三天早上,御林铁卫的柏洛斯·布劳恩爵士前来护送她去觐见王后。

  Sir Boros was an ugly man with a broad chest and short, bandy legs. 柏洛斯爵士是个胸膛宽厚,有一双向外弯曲的短腿的丑陋男子。
  His nose was flat, his cheeks baggy with jowls, his hair grey and brittle.  他生了个扁鼻,两颊松弛,一头发质糟糕的灰发。
  Today he wore white velvet, and his snowy cloak was fastened with a lion brooch. 这天他穿了白天鹅绒外衣,雪白披风用一个狮子别针系着。
  The beast had the soft sheen of gold, and his eyes were tiny rubies. 狮子镀上一层软金箔,有小小的红宝石镶成的眼睛。
  "You look very handsome and splendid this morning, Sir Boros," Sansa told him.  “柏洛斯爵士,您今早真是容光焕发,格外迷人哪。”珊莎告诉他。
  A lady remembered her courtesies, and she was resolved to be a lady no matter what. 官家小姐无时无刻不能忘记礼貌,而且她下定决心无论如何都要有个官家小姐的样子。
  And you, my lady, Sir Boros said in a flat voice. "Her Grace awaits. Come with me." “小姐,您也是哪。”柏洛斯爵士语气平板地说,“王后陛下正在等你。请随我来。”
  There were guards outside her door, Lannister men-at-arms in crimson cloaks and lion-crested helms.  门外有红袍狮盔的兰尼斯特卫兵站岗,
  Sansa made herself smile at them pleasantly and bid them a good morning as she passed.  珊莎经过时,还特别友好地朝他们微笑早安。
  It was the first time she had been allowed outside the chamber since Sir Arys Oakheart had led her there two mornings past.  这是她自两天前被亚历斯·奥克赫特爵士带来这里后首次踏出房门。
  "To keep you safe, my sweet one," Queen Cersei had told her.  “好孩子,这是为你的安全着想,”瑟曦王后告诉她,
  "Joffrey would never forgive me if anything happened to his precious." “如果乔佛里亲爱的女孩出了意外,他一定不会原谅我的。”
  Sansa had expected that Sir Boros would escort her to the royal apartments, but instead he led her out of Maegor's Holdfast. 珊莎本以为柏洛斯爵士会护送她到王家居室,没想到他却领她走出了梅葛楼。
  The bridge was down again.  吊桥已再度放下。
  Some workmen were lowering a man on ropes into the depths of the dry moat.  几名工人正把同伴用绳子垂到干涸的护城河床。
  When Sansa peered down, she saw a body impaled on the huge iron spikes below.  珊莎探头一看,只见下方巨大的尖刺上钉了一具尸首。