冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第750期:第三十七章 珊莎(6)(在线收听

   Sansa, my sweet child, she said, "I know you've been asking for me. I'm sorry that I could not send for you sooner. “珊莎,我的好孩子。”她说,“我知道你一直想见我,很抱歉我到现在才找你来。

  Matters have been very unsettled, and I have not had a moment.  只怪最近诸事纷乱,我实在抽不出时间。
  I trust my people have been taking good care of you?" 我想我的手下没让你受委屈罢?”
  Everyone has been very sweet and pleasant, Your Grace, thank you ever so much for asking, Sansa said politely.  “陛下,每个人都对我们既照顾又友好,非常感谢您的关心,”珊莎彬彬有礼地说,
  "Only, well, no one will talk to us or tell us what's happened... " “只不过,嗯,没有人愿意跟我们说话,或者告诉我们到底发生了什么……”
  Us? Cersei seemed puzzled. “我们?”瑟曦似乎颇感困惑。
  We put the steward's girl in with her, Sir Boros said. "We did not know what else to do with her." “我们把那个管家的女儿送去跟她一起住,”柏洛斯爵士道,“我们实在不知该拿她怎么办。”
  The queen frowned. "Next time, you will ask," she said, her voice sharp.  王后皱起眉头。“下回记得先问,”她口气锐利地说,
  "The gods only know what sort of tales she's been filling Sansa's head with." “天知道她朝珊莎脑子里鬼扯些什么。”
  Jeyne's scared, Sansa said. "She won't stop crying.  “珍妮她吓坏了,”珊莎说,“整天哭个不停。
  I promised her I'd ask if she could see her father." 我答应帮她问可不可以让她见见她父亲。”
  Old Grand Maester Pycelle lowered his eyes. 派席尔老国师垂下眼睛。
  Her father is well, isn't he? Sansa said anxiously.  “她父亲没事吧?”珊莎焦急地说。
  She knew there had been fighting, but surely no one would harm a steward.  她知道外面发生过打斗,但总不会有人伤害一个做管家的人吧?
  Vayon Poole did not even wear a sword. 维扬·普尔平日可是连剑都不配的。
  Queen Cersei looked at each of the councillors in turn.  瑟曦王后依次扫视每位重臣。
  "I won't have Sansa fretting needlessly.  “我可不希望珊莎受到无谓的惊吓。
  What shall we do with this little friend of hers, my lords?" 诸位大人,我们该如何来安顿她这位小朋友呢?”
  Lord Petyr leaned forward. "I'll find a place for her." 培提尔伯爵往前靠。“我来给她找个地方吧。”
  Not in the city, said the queen. “不要留在城里。”王后说。
  Do you take me for a fool? “你当我是笨蛋不成?”
  The queen ignored that.  王后没理他。
  "Sir Boros, escort this girl to Lord Petyr's apartments and instruct his people to keep her there until he comes for her. “柏洛斯爵士,劳驾您护送这位小妹妹前往培提尔大人住处,并吩咐他的手下妥善照顾,直到他回去为止。