冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第752期:第三十七章 珊莎(8)(在线收听

 Sweet Sansa, Queen Cersei said, laying a soft hand on her wrist.  “亲爱的珊莎,”瑟曦王后边说边伸出一只柔软的手,放在她手腕上。

"Such a beautiful child. I do hope you know how much Joffrey and I love you." “你真是个漂亮的好孩子。我真希望你知道乔佛里和我有多么爱你。”
You do? Sansa said, breathless.  “真的吗?”珊莎简直喘不过气来。
Littlefinger was forgotten. Her prince loved her. Nothing else mattered. 小指头顿时被抛到脑后。她的白马王子爱她。其他一切都不重要了。
The queen smiled. "I think of you almost as my own daughter. And I know the love you bear for Joffrey."  王后微笑道:“我几乎把你当成自己的女儿,我也知道你是真心真意地爱着乔佛里。”
She gave a weary shake of her head. "I am afraid we have some grave news about your lord father. You must be brave, child." 她微微摇头。“但关于你父亲大人,恐怕我有些沉重的消息要对你说。孩子,你千万要鼓起勇气。”
Her quiet words gave Sansa a chill. "What is it?" 她从容的话语却教珊莎打了个冷颤。“什么消息?”
Your father is a traitor, dear, Lord Varys said. “你父亲叛国,亲爱的。”瓦里斯伯爵道。
Grand Maester Pycelle lifted his ancient head. 派席尔国师抬起苍老的头颅。
"With my own ears, I heard Lord Eddard swear to our beloved King Robert that he would protect the young princes as if they were his own sons.  “我亲耳听见艾德大人向劳勃国王发誓会保护小王子,把他当成自己儿子看待。
And yet the moment the king was dead, he called the small council together to steal Prince Joffrey's rightful throne." 想不到等国王一死,他就立刻召集重臣,妄图窃取本应属于乔佛里的王位。”
No, Sansa blurted. "He wouldn't do that. He wouldn't!" “不,”珊莎脱口而出,“他绝不会做这种事,他绝不会!”
The queen picked up a letter.  王后拣起一封信。
The paper was torn and stiff with dried blood, but the broken seal was her father's, the direwolf stamped in pale wax.  信纸撕得稀烂,沾满干涸的血渍,然而上面被揭开的封蜡毫无疑问是父亲的冰原狼家徽。
"We found this on the captain of your household guard, Sansa.  “珊莎,这是我们在你家侍卫队长身上找到的。
It is a letter to my late husband's brother Stannis, inviting him to take the crown." 收信人是我亡夫的弟弟史坦尼斯,信上邀请他来夺取王位。”
Please, Your Grace, there's been a mistake. “求求您,王后陛下,这一定是误会,”
Sudden panic made her dizzy and faint.  突如其来的恐慌使她感到头晕目眩。
"Please, send for my father, he'll tell you, he would never write such a letter, the king was his friend." “求求您,找我父亲过来,他会向您解释,他是国王的朋友,绝不会写这种信。”