冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第753期:第三十七章 珊莎(9)(在线收听

   "Robert thought so," said the queen. "This betrayal would have broken his heart.  “劳勃当初也是这么想,”王后道,“他若是地下有知,这件事准会伤透他的心。

  The gods are kind, that he did not live to see it." 幸好诸神慈悲,没让他生前见到。”
  She sighed. "Sansa, sweetling, you must see what a dreadful position this has left us in.  她叹口气。“珊莎,我亲爱的好孩子,你一定也知道这件事让我们有多为难。
  You are innocent of any wrong, we all know that, and yet you are the daughter of a traitor.  此事与你无关,这我们都明白,但你毕竟是个叛国者的女儿,
  How can I allow you to marry my son?" 你说我怎么敢让你嫁给我儿子呢?”
  "But I love him," Sansa wailed, confused and frightened.  “可是我爱他啊。”珊莎既困惑又害怕地啜泣道。
  What did they mean to do to her?  他们打算如何处置她?
  What had they done to her father? 他们又对父亲做了些什么?
  It was not supposed to happen this way.  事情不应该变成这样子的。
  She had to wed Joffrey, they were betrothed, he was promised to her, she had even dreamed about it.  她一定要嫁给乔佛里,他们不是已经订婚了吗?他不是已经许给她了吗?她还梦见过两人成亲的景象呢。
  It wasn't fair to take him away from her on account of whatever her father might have done. 因为父亲的所作所为,便要硬生生将他夺走,实在太不公平了。
  "How well I know that, child," Cersei said, her voice so kind and sweet.  “孩子,这我难道不清楚吗?”瑟曦慈祥、和蔼又温柔地说,
  "Why else should you have come to me and told me of your father's plan to send you away from us, if not for love?" “你若不是爱他,又怎么会来见我,把你父亲送你走的计划倾诉给我听呢?”
  "It was for love," Sansa said in a rush. "Father wouldn't even give me leave to say farewell." “是啊,我好爱他,”珊莎急促地说,“可父亲连让我说声再见都不准。”
  She was the good girl, the obedient girl,  她向来是听话乖巧的好女儿,
  but she had felt as wicked as Arya that morning, sneaking away from Septa Mordane, defying her lord father.  但那天早上她偷偷从茉丹修女身边溜开,违背父亲意愿的时候,却觉得自己跟艾莉亚一样坏。
  She had never done anything so willful before, and she would never have done it then if she hadn't loved Joffrey as much as she did.  她以前从未如此任性而为,若非她深爱着乔佛里,也不会这么做。
  "He was going to take me back to Winterfell and marry me to some hedge knight, even though it was Joff I wanted.  “他打算送我回临冬城,把我嫁给默默无闻的雇佣骑士,也不管我只想要。
  I told him, but he wouldn't listen."  我跟他说了,可他就是听不进去。”