冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第754期:第三十七章 珊莎(10)(在线收听

   The king had been her last hope.  她的希望只剩下国王,

  The king could command Father to let her stay in King's Landing and marry Prince Joffrey, Sansa knew he could, but the king had always frightened her.  只有国王才能命令父亲让她留在君临,和乔佛里成亲。话虽如此,
  He was loud and rough-voiced and drunk as often as not, and he would probably have just sent her back to Lord Eddard, if they even let her see him.  她却一直很怕这个讲话粗声粗气,成天喝得酩酊大醉的国王,更何况就算当真见到他,他很可能只会派人把她送回父亲身边。
  So she went to the queen instead, and poured out her heart, and Cersei had listened and thanked her sweetly...  所以她去找王后,将心事和盘吐露,瑟曦听完之后,郑重地向她道谢……
  only then Sir Arys had escorted her to the high room in Maegor's Holdfast and posted guards,  接着却派亚历斯爵士护送她到梅葛楼的高塔房间,并在门外安排守卫,
  and a few hours later, the fighting had begun outside.  没过多久,外面便传来打斗声。
  "Please," she finished, "you have to let me marry Joffrey, I'll be ever so good a wife to him, you'll see.  “求求您,”她把话说完,“您一定要让我嫁给乔佛里,我会当个好妻子的,真的,
  I'll be a queen just like you, I promise." 我保证会当个像您一样的王后。”
  Queen Cersei looked to the others. "My lords of the council, what do you say to her plea?" 瑟曦王后看看其他人。“诸位重臣大人,关于她的请求,您们有何看法?”
  The poor child, murmured Varys. "A love so true and innocent, Your Grace, it would be cruel to deny it...  “可怜的孩子,”瓦里斯喃喃道,“王后陛下,多么纯洁的一片痴情,若不答应她未免也太残忍了……
  and yet, what can we do? Her father stands condemned."  但话又说回来,她父亲终究难辞其咎,我们还能怎么样呢?”
  His soft hands washed each other in a gesture of helpless distress. 他柔软的双手相互搓揉,做出无助又无奈的手势。
  A child born of traitor's seed will find that betrayal comes naturally to her, said Grand Maester Pycelle.  “既然是叛国者的种,只怕背叛之性已在她心中生根发芽。”派席尔国师道,
  "She is a sweet thing now, but in ten years, who can say what treasons she may hatch?" “她眼下是个讨人喜欢的好孩子,可十年以后会怎样呢?谁也说不准。”
  No, Sansa said, horrified. "I'm not, I'd never... I wouldn't betray Joffrey, I love him, I swear it, I do." “不,”珊莎惊恐地说,“我不是,我不会……我绝不会背叛乔佛里,我爱他啊,我发誓我真的爱他。”