冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第755期:第三十七章 珊莎(11)(在线收听

   Oh, so poignant, said Varys. "And yet, it is truly said that blood runs truer than oaths." “噢,真叫人辛酸哪,”瓦里斯道,“但归根结底,毕竟誓言不及血统可靠啊。”

  She reminds me of the mother, not the father, Lord Petyr Baelish said quietly.  “她像母亲,不像父亲,”培提尔·贝里席伯爵轻声说,
  "Look at her. The hair, the eyes. She is the very image of Cat at the same age." “你们看看她,这头发和眼晴,十足就是当年的凯特。”
  The queen looked at her, troubled, and yet Sansa could see kindness in her clear green eyes. 王后看着她,显然伤透脑筋,但珊莎发现她那对澄澈的碧绿眸子里闪着慈蔼。
  "Child," she said, "if I could truly believe that you were not like your father, why nothing should please me more than to see you wed to my Joffrey.  “孩子,”她说,“如果我能相信你的确和你父亲不一样,那再没有什么事比你嫁给乔佛里更让我高兴的了。
  I know he loves you with all his heart."  我知道他也是全心全意爱着你。”
  She sighed. "And yet, I fear that Lord Varys and the Grand Maester have the right of it.  她叹口气,“怕只怕瓦里斯大人和派席尔国师说得没错。
  The blood will tell. I have only to remember how your sister set her wolf on my son." 血统决定一切,我还记得你妹妹是怎么放狼咬我儿子的。”
  I'm not like Arya, Sansa blurted.  “我跟艾莉亚才不一样,”珊莎冲口便说,“她流着叛国者的血液,我可没有。
  "She has the traitor's blood, not me. I'm good, ask Septa Mordane, she'll tell you, I only want to be Joffrey's loyal and loving wife." 我很听话,问问茉丹修女就知道了。我只想作乔佛里忠诚的好妻子。”
  She felt the weight of Cersei's eyes as the queen studied her face. 王后仔细审视她的脸,她能感觉王后眼神的重量。
  "I believe you mean it, child." She turned to face the others. “孩子,我相信你说的都是真话。”她转头面对其他人。
  "My lords, it seems to me that if the rest of her kin were to remain loyal in this terrible time, that would go a long way toward laying our fears to rest." “诸位大人,依我看来,如果她的家人都肯在此动荡之际宣誓效忠王室,那么我们大可不必为她担心。”
  Grand Maester Pycelle stroked his huge soft beard, his wide brow furrowed in thought. "Lord Eddard has three sons." 派席尔国师捻捻大把的软胡须,若有所思地皱起宽眉。“艾德大人有三个儿子。”