冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第756期:第三十七章 珊莎(12)(在线收听

   Mere boys, Lord Petyr said with a shrug. "I should be more concerned with Lady Catelyn and the Tullys." “都是些孩子,”培提尔伯爵耸肩,“我比较担心凯特琳夫人和徒利家族。”

  The queen took Sansa's hand in both of hers. 王后双手握住珊莎手掌。
  "Child, do you know your letters?" “孩子,你可会读书写字?”
  Sansa nodded nervously. She could read and write better than any of her brothers, although she was hopeless at sums. 珊莎不安地点点头。她不论读书写字都比兄弟要行,但一遇算术就没办法。
  I am pleased to hear that. Perhaps there is hope for you and Joffrey still...  “我很高兴。或许你和乔佛里还有希望……”
  What do you want me to do? “您要我怎么做呢?”
  You must write your lady mother, and your brother, the eldest... what is his name? Robb, Sansa said. “你得写信给你母亲,以及你大哥……他叫什么名字?”“罗柏。”珊莎说。
  The word of your lord father's treason will no doubt reach them soon.  “你父亲大人叛国的事,相信不久自会传到他们耳中,
  Better that it should come from you.  所以由你亲自来讲比较妥善。
  You must tell them how Lord Eddard betrayed his king. 你得告诉他们艾德大人背叛国王的经过。”
  Sansa wanted Joffrey desperately, but she did not think she had the courage to do as the queen was asking.  珊莎极度渴望乔佛里,但她却不知自己是否有照王后吩咐去做的勇气。
  "But he never... I don't... Your Grace, I wouldn't know what to say ... " “可他没有……我不知……陛下,我不知道该怎么写……”
  The queen patted her hand. 王后拍拍她的手。
  "We will tell you what to write, child.  “好孩子,我们会告诉你该怎么写。
  The important thing is that you urge Lady Catelyn and your brother to keep the king's peace." 重要的是你必须敦促凯特琳夫人和你哥哥维护国内和平。”
  It will go hard for them if they don't, said Grand Maester Pycelle.  “如果他们不愿听从,情况可对他们不利。”派席尔国师道,
  "By the love you bear them, you must urge them to walk the path of wisdom." “看在你们之间的亲情份上,说什么你都该敦请他们做出明智的抉择。”
  Your lady mother will no doubt fear for you dreadfully, the queen said. “你的母亲大人此刻一定非常为你担心,”王后道,
  "You must tell her that you are well and in our care, that we are treating you gently and seeing to your every want.  “你该告诉她,你正受我们妥善的照顾,一切平安无事,衣食无虞。