冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第757期:第三十七章 珊莎(13)(在线收听

   Bid them to come to King's Landing and pledge their fealty to Joffrey when he takes his throne.  并邀请他们在乔佛里登基之日,前来君临宣誓效忠。

  If they do that... why, then we shall know that there is no taint in your blood, and when you come into the flower of your womanhood,  如果他们照办……哎,那我们就知道你的血液里没有一丝一毫的污染,等你有了月事,成为真正的女人,
  you shall wed the king in the Great Sept of Baelor, before the eyes of gods and men." 我们就让你和国王在贝勒大圣堂结婚,让天上诸神和地上百姓作见证。”
  ... wed the king... The words made her breath come faster, yet still Sansa hesitated.  ……和国王结婚……这几个字让她呼吸急促,但珊莎依旧有些迟疑。
  "Perhaps... if I might see my father, talk to him about... " “或许……如果我可以先见见父亲大人,和他谈谈……”
  Treason? Lord Varys hinted. “造反的事?”瓦里斯伯爵提示。
  You disappoint me, Sansa, the queen said, with eyes gone hard as stones.  “珊莎,你太令我失望了。”王后的眼神转为严峻,有如坚硬磐石。
  "We've told you of your father's crimes.  “我们已经告诉过你令尊的罪行,
  If you are truly as loyal as you say, why should you want to see him?" 假如你真如自己所说那么忠于王室,为何还要见他?”
  I... I only meant...  Sansa felt her eyes grow wet.  “我……我只是想……”珊莎湿了眼眶。
  "He's not... please, he hasn't been... hurt, or... or... " “他没事吧?……请您告诉我,他有没有……受伤,还是……还是……”
  Lord Eddard has not been harmed, the queen said. “艾德大人毫发无伤。”王后说。
  But... what's to become of him? “可是……你们要如何处置他?”
  That is a matter for the king to decide, Grand Maester Pycelle announced ponderously. “此事只有国王陛下才能决定。”派席尔国师满腹思量地宣布。
  The king! Sansa blinked back her tears. 国王陛下!珊莎眨眨眼睛忍住泪水。
  Joffrey was the king now, she thought.  她这才想起,如今乔佛里是国王了。
  Her gallant prince would never hurt her father, no matter what he might have done. 无论他最后作何决定,她相信她的白马王子绝不会伤害父亲。
  If she went to him and pleaded for mercy, she was certain he'd listen.  她确信只要自己去找他,求他手下留情,他一定会听的。
  He had to listen, he loved her, even the queen said so.  他怎么可能不听呢?他那么爱她,王后不也这么说?