冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第761期:第三十八章 琼恩(2)(在线收听

   He was wandering the empty castle, searching for his father, descending into the crypts.  梦中他漫游在空荡荡的城堡,四处寻找父亲,最后下楼梯进了墓窖。

  Only this time the dream had gone further than before.  但这次梦境并未在此结束。
  In the dark he'd heard the scrape of stone on stone.  在黑暗中他听见石头刮碰的声音,
  When he turned he saw that the vaults were opening, one after the other. 猛一转身,只见墓穴一个个打开来,
  As the dead kings came stumbling from their cold black graves, Jon had woken in pitch-dark, his heart hammering. 死去已久的国王纷纷由冰冷黑暗的坟中蹒跚走出。琼恩恍然惊醒,四周一片漆黑,心脏狂跳。
  Even when Ghost leapt up on the bed to nuzzle at his face, he could not shake his deep sense of terror.  连白灵跳上床,用嘴巴摩擦他的脸,也难减轻他心中深深的恐惧。
  He dared not go back to sleep. 他不敢再睡,
  Instead he had climbed the Wall and walked, restless, until he saw the light of the dawn off to the cast.  便起身爬上长城,不安地漫步,直到东方初绽曙光。
  It was only a dream.  那不过是梦而已,
  I am a brother of the Night's Watch now, not a frightened boy. 如今我是守夜人军团的一分子,不再是容易受惊的小孩儿了。
  Samwell Tarly huddled beneath the trees, half-hidden behind the horses.  山姆威尔·塔利蜷缩树下,半躲在马群后。
  His round fat face was the color of curdled milk.  他那张圆胖的脸颜色有如酸败的牛奶。
  So far he had not lurched off to the woods to retch, but he had not so much as glanced at the dead men either. 虽然他并未逃进森林上吐下泻,可也没正眼瞧过死尸。
  "I can't look," he whispered miserably. “我不敢看。”他可怜兮兮地低语。
  You have to look, Jon told him, keeping his voice low so the others would not hear. “你不能不看。”琼恩对他说,一边压低声音不让别人听见。
  "Maester Aemon sent you to be his eyes, didn't he? “伊蒙师傅不是派你来当他的眼睛么?
  What good are eyes if they're shut?" 眼睛若是闭上了,那还有什么用呢?”
  Yes, but... I'm such a coward, Jon. “话是这样说,可……琼恩,我实在是个胆小鬼。”
  Jon put a hand on Sam's shoulder.  琼恩把手放到山姆肩膀。
  "We have a dozen rangers with us, and the dogs, even Ghost. “我们身边有十二个游骑兵,还有成群的猎狗,连白灵都跟来了。
  No one will hurt you, Sam. Go ahead and look. The first look is the hardest." 山姆,没人伤得了你。去看看罢,第一眼总是最难。”