冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第765期:第三十八章 琼恩(6)(在线收听

   The corpses are still fresh, these men cannot have been dead more than a day... ." 你瞧,这些尸体还很新鲜,死亡时间不会超过一天……”

  No, Samwell Tarly squeaked.“ 不对。”山姆威尔·塔利尖声说。
  Jon was startled. Sam's nervous, high-pitched voice was the last he would have expected to hear. 琼恩吓了一跳,他说什么也没料到会听见山姆紧张而高亢的话音。
  The fat boy was frightened of the officers, and Sir Jaremy was not known for his patience. 胖男孩向来很怕官员,而杰瑞米爵士又素以坏脾气出名。
  I did not ask for your views, boy, Rykker said coldly. “小子,我可没问你意见。”莱克冷冷地说。
  Let him speak, ser, Jon blurted. “让他说吧,爵士先生。”琼恩冲口而出。
  Mormont's eyes flicked from Sam to Jon and back again. 莫尔蒙的视线从山姆飘向琼恩,然后又转向山姆:
  "If the lad has something to say, I'll hear him.  “如果那孩子有话要说,就让他说吧。
  Come closer, boy. We can't see you behind those horses." 小子,靠过来,躲在马后面我们可瞧不见你。”
  Sam edged past Jon and the garrons, sweating profusely. 山姆挤过琼恩和马匹,汗如雨下。
  "My lord, it... it can't be a day or... look... the blood... " “大人,不……不可能只有一天……请看……那个血……”
  Yes? Mormont growled impatiently. "Blood, what of it?" “嗯?”莫尔蒙不耐烦地皱眉,“血怎么样?”
  He soils his smallclothes at the sight of it, Chett shouted out, and the rangers laughed. “他一见血就尿裤子啦。”齐特高喊,游骑兵们哄堂大笑。
  Sam mopped at the sweat on his brow. 山姆抹抹额上的汗珠。
  "You... you can see where Ghost... Jon's direwolf... you can see where he tore off that man's hand, “您……您看白灵……琼恩的冰原狼……您看它咬断手的地方,
  and yet... the stump hasn't bled, look... " He waved a hand. 可是……断肢没有流血,您看……”他挥挥手。
  "My father... L-lord Randyll, he, he made me watch him dress animals sometimes, when... after... "  “家父……蓝……蓝道伯爵,他,他有时候会逼我看他处理猎物,……在……之后……”
  Sam shook his head from side to side, his chins quivering. 山姆摇头晃脑,下巴动个不休。