冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第766期:第三十八章 琼恩(7)(在线收听

   Now that he had looked at the bodies, he could not seem to look away. 这会儿他真看了,视线反而离不开尸体。

  "A fresh kill... the blood would still flow, my lords. “刚死的猎物……大人,血还会流动。
  Later... later it would be clotted, like a... a jelly, thick and... and... " He looked as though he was going to be sick. 之后……之后才会凝结成块,像是……像是肉冻,浓稠的肉冻,而且……而且……”他似乎要吐了。
  "This man... look at the wrist, it's all... crusty... dry... like ... " “这个人……请看,他的手腕很……很脆……又干又脆……像是……”
  Jon saw at once what Sam meant. 琼恩立刻明白了山姆的意思。
  He could see the torn veins in the dead man's wrist, iron worms in the pale flesh. 他可以看见死人腕部断裂的血管,活像惨白肌肉里的铁蠕虫,
  His blood was a black dust. 血也冻成黑粉末。
  Yet Jaremy Rykker was unconvinced. 但杰瑞米·莱克不以为然。
  "If they'd been dead much longer than a day, they'd be ripe by now, boy. “如果他们真死了一天以上,现在早就臭得要命。
  They don't even smell." 可他们一点味道也没有。”
  Dywen, the gnarled old forester who liked to boast that he could smell snow coming on, sidled closer to the corpses and took a whiff. 饱经风霜的老林务官戴文最爱夸耀自己嗅觉灵敏,常说连降雪都能闻出来。这会儿他悄悄走到尸体旁边,嗅了一下。
  "Well, they're no pansy flowers, but... m'lord has the truth of it. “嗯,是不怎么好闻,不过……大人说得没错,
  There's no corpse stink." 的确没有尸臭。”
  They... they aren't rotting. “他们……他们也没有腐烂,”
  Sam pointed, his fat finger shaking only a little. 山姆指给大家看,胖手指颤抖不休。
  "Look, there's... there's no maggots or... or... worms or anything... they've been lying here in the woods, “请看,他们身上没有……没有生蛆,也……也……没有其他的虫子……他们在森林里躺了这么久,
  but they... they haven't been chewed or eaten by animals... only Ghost... otherwise they're... they're... " 却……却没有被动物撕咬或吃掉……若不是白灵……他们……”