冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第767期:第三十八章 琼恩(8)(在线收听

   Untouched, Jon said softly. "And Ghost is different. “可说毫发无伤。”琼恩轻声道,“而且白灵和其他动物不一样。

  The dogs and the horses won't go near them." 狗儿和马都不愿靠近他们的尸体。”
  The rangers exchanged glances; they could see it was true, every man of them.  游骑兵们彼此交换眼神,每个人都知道此话不假。
  Mormont frowned, glancing from the corpses to the dogs. 莫尔蒙皱起眉头,将视线从尸体移到狗群。
  "Chett, bring the hounds closer." “齐特,把猎狗带过来。”
  Chett tried, cursing, yanking on the leashes, giving one animal a lick of his boot. 齐特连忙照办,一边咒骂,一边拉扯狗链,还伸腿踢了狗一脚。
  Most of the dogs just whimpered and planted their feet. 但猎狗们多半呜咽着,打定主意不肯挪动。
  He tried dragging one. 他试着强拉一只母狗,
  The bitch resisted, growling and squirming as if to escape her collar. 结果它拼命顽抗,又吼又扭,企图挣脱项圈,
  Finally she lunged at him. 最后竟朝他扑去。
  Chett dropped the leash and stumbled backward. 齐特丢下绳子踉跄后退,
  The dog leapt over him and bounded off into the trees. 狗跳过他跑进森林去了。
  This... this is all wrong, Sam Tarly said earnestly. “这……这很不对劲啊,”山姆·塔利急切地说,
  "The blood... there's bloodstains on their clothes, and... and their flesh, dry and hard, but...  “看看这血……他们衣服上有血迹,而且……而且他们的皮肤如此干硬,可……
  there's none on the ground, or... anywhere. 可地上完全没有血迹……这附近一丁点儿都没有。
  With those... those... those... " Sam made himself swallow, took a deep breath. 照说他们……他们……他们……”山姆努力吞了口唾沫,深吸一口气。
  "With those wounds... terrible wounds... there should be blood all over. Shouldn't there?" “照说他们伤口那么深……那么可怕,鲜血应该溅得到处都是,对不对?”
  Dywen sucked at his wooden teeth. 戴文吸了吸他的木假牙。
  "Might be they didn't die here. “弄不好他们不是死在这里。
  Might be someone brought 'em and left 'em for us. A warning, as like." 弄不好是被人搬来弃尸,当作警告什么的。”