冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第769期:第三十八章 琼恩(10)(在线收听

   "I will have these woods searched," Mormont commanded Sir Jaremy as they set out. “派人把这片森林搜个彻底,”启程之前,莫尔蒙命令杰瑞米爵士,

  "Every tree, every rock, every bush, and every foot of muddy ground within ten leagues of here. “方圆十里格内每一棵树、每一块石头、每一丛矮树和每一寸泥地都必须翻找一遍。
  Use all the men you have, and if you do not have enough, borrow hunters and foresters from the stewards. 把你手下所有的人都派出来,如果人手不够,就跟事务官借调猎人和林务官。
  If Ben and the others are out here, dead or alive, I will have them found. 假如班和他的手下就在其中,不论死活,你都必须找到。
  And if there is anyone else in these woods, I will know of it. 假如森林里有‘其他人’,也一定要报告,
  You are to track them and take them, alive if possible. Is that understood?" 你必须负责追踪并逮捕他们,能活捉最好,知道了吗?”
  "It is, my lord," Sir Jaremy said. "It will be done." “知道了,大人。”杰瑞米爵士说,“我一定办妥。”
  After that, Mormont rode in silence, brooding. 打那之后,莫尔蒙默默地骑马沉思。
  Jon followed close behind him; as the Lord Commander's steward, that was his place. 琼恩紧随在后——身为司令的私人事务官,这是他的位置。
  The day was grey, damp, overcast, the sort of day that made you wish for rain. 天色灰暗,弥漫水气,阴霾不开,正是那种令人急盼降雨的天气。
  No wind stirred the wood; the air hung humid and heavy, and Jon's clothes clung to his skin. 林中无风,空气潮湿而沉重,琼恩的衣服黏紧皮肤。
  It was warm. Too warm. 天气很温暖。太温暖了。
  The Wall was weeping copiously, had been weeping for days, and sometimes Jon even imagined it was shrinking. 长城连日以来“泪”如泉涌,有时候琼恩不禁想像它正在萎缩。
  The old men called this weather spirit summer, and said it meant the season was giving up its ghosts at last.  老人们管这种天气叫“鬼夏”,传说这意味着夏季的鬼魂终于逃脱束缚,四处飘荡。