冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第771期:第三十八章 琼恩(12)(在线收听

   Jon saw the start of fright on Sam's face as he lumbered up on his mare; doubtless he thought he was in trouble. 山姆笨重地爬下马,琼恩看见他脸上的恐惧之色:他想必认为自己有麻烦了。

  "You're fat but you're not stupid, boy," the Old Bear said gruffly. “小子,你胖归胖,人倒是不笨。”熊老粗声说,
  "You did well back there. And you, Snow." “刚才干得不错。雪诺,你也是。”
  Sam blushed a vivid crimson and tripped over his own tongue as he tried to stammer out a courtesy. Jon had to smile. 山姆立刻满面通红,急忙想要道谢,舌头却不听使唤。琼恩忍不住笑了。
  When they emerged from under the trees, Mormont spurred his tough little garron to a trot. 出森林后,莫尔蒙双脚一蹬,驱使他那匹健壮的小犁马向前疾驰。
  Ghost came streaking out from the woods to meet them, licking his chops, his muzzle red from prey. 白灵自林间蹿出来与他们会合。他舔着下巴,口鼻沾满猎物的鲜血。
  High above, the men on the Wall saw the column approaching. 远处,居高临下的长城守卫发现渐近的队伍,
  Jon heard the deep, throaty call of the watchman's great horn, calling out across the miles; 接着那低沉浑厚的号角便响彻原野;
  a single long blast that shuddered through the trees and echoed off the ice. 那是一声长长的巨鸣,颤抖着穿越树林,回荡于冰原之上。
  UUUUUUUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooo. 喔喔喔喔喔喔喔呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜
  The sound faded slowly to silence. 号音渐弱,终归寂静。
  One blast meant rangers returning, and Jon thought, I was a ranger for one day, at least. 一声号角代表兄弟归来,琼恩心想,起码我也当了一天的游骑兵兄弟。
  Whatever may come, they cannot take that away from me. 无论将来如何,没有人能否认。
  Bowen Marsh was waiting at the first gate as they led their garrons through the icy tunnel. 当他们牵马穿过冰封隧道时,发现波文·马尔锡正站在第一道大门内。
  The Lord Steward was red-faced and agitated. 总务长满脸通红,显得焦虑不安。
  "My lord," he blurted at Mormont as he swung open the iron bars, "there's been a bird, you must come at once." “大人,”他一边拉开铁栅门,一边迫不及待地对莫尔蒙说,“有只鸟儿捎信来,请您立刻来一趟。”