冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第772期:第三十八章 琼恩(13)(在线收听

   What is it, man? Mormont said gruffly. “嗯?到底怎么回事?”莫尔蒙不耐烦地问。

  Curiously, Marsh glanced at Jon before he answered. 奇怪的是,马尔锡竟先瞄了琼恩一眼,
  "Maester Aemon has the letter. He's waiting in your solar." 然后才作答:“信在伊蒙师傅手中,他在您的书房等您。”
  Very well. Jon, see to my horse, and tell Sir Jaremy to put the dead men in a storeroom until the maester is ready for them. “好罢。琼恩,马就交给你了。告诉杰瑞米爵士把尸体先放进储藏室,等学士来处理。”
  Mormont strode away grumbling. 莫尔蒙咕哝着跨步离去。
  As they led their horses back to the stable, Jon was uncomfortably aware that people were watching him. 琼恩和其他人牵着坐骑回到马厩时,他很不自在地发觉大家都盯着他瞧。
  Sir Alliser Thorne was drilling his boys in the yard, but he broke off to stare at Jon, a faint half smile on his lips. 艾里沙·索恩爵士正在校场训练新兵,但他也暂停手边工作,瞪着琼恩,嘴上挂着一抹微笑。
  One-armed Donal Noye stood in the door of the armory. 独臂的唐纳·诺伊站在兵器库门口。
  "The gods be with you, Snow," he called out. “雪诺,愿诸神与你同在。”他喊道。
  Something's wrong, Jon thought. Something's very wrong. 一定发生了什么事,琼恩心想,非常不好的事。
  The dead men were carried to one of the storerooms along the base of the Wall, 两具死尸被抬进长城脚下的一间储藏室内,
  a dark cold cell chiseled from the ice and used to keep meat and grain and sometimes even beer. 那是个从冰墙里凿出的阴冷房间,专门用来存放肉类和谷物,有时连啤酒也拿来这里。
  Jon saw that Mormont's horse was fed and watered and groomed before he took care of his own. 琼恩先喂莫尔蒙的马吃草喝水,梳过毛后,方才去照料自己的坐骑。
  Afterward he sought out his friends. 之后他去找自己那伙朋友,
  Grenn and Toad were on watch, but he found Pyp in the common hall. 葛兰和陶德正在站岗,但他在大厅里找到派普。
  "What's happened?" he asked. “出什么事了?”他问。
  Pyp lowered his voice. "The king's dead." 派普压低声音。“国王死了。”
  Jon was stunned. 琼恩大感震惊。
  Robert Baratheon had looked old and fat when he visited Winterfell, 劳勃·拜拉席恩上次来访临冬城,虽然那模样既老又胖,
  yet he'd seemed hale enough, and there'd been no talk of illness. 却似乎很健康,也没听人说他得了什么病。
  "How can you know?" “你怎么知道?”