冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第773期:第三十八章 琼恩(14)(在线收听

   One of the guards overheard Clydas reading the letter to Maester Aemon. Pyp leaned close. “有个守卫偷听到克莱达斯读信给伊蒙师傅听,”派普靠过来。

  "Jon, I'm sorry. He was your father's friend, wasn't he?" “琼恩,我很遗憾。他是你老爸的好朋友,对不对?”
  They were as close as brothers, once. “他们情同手足。”
  Jon wondered if Joffrey would keep his father as the King's Hand. 琼恩暗忖乔佛里是否会继续让父亲担任御前首相一职。
  It did not seem likely. 他觉得不大可能。
  That might mean Lord Eddard would return to Winterfell, and his sisters as well. 也就是说,艾德公爵即将返回临冬城,还有他的两个妹妹。
  He might even be allowed to visit them, with Lord Mormont's permission. 假如他能得到莫尔蒙大人的允许,说不定还可以去探望他们。
  It would be good to see Arya's grin again and to talk with his father. 能再见到艾莉亚机灵的笑容,并和父亲谈谈,一定会是件很棒的事。
  I will ask him about my mother, he resolved. 到时候我定要问他母亲的事,他下定决心,
  I am a man now, it is past time he told me. 如今我已长大成人,说什么他都该告诉我了。
  Even if she was a whore, I don't care, I want to know. 即便她是个妓女我也不在乎,我一定要知道。
  I heard Hake say the dead men were your uncle's, Pyp said. “我听哈克说,那两个死人是你叔叔的部下。”派普道。
  Yes, Jon replied. "Two of the six he took with him.  “是啊,”琼恩回答,“他带去的那六个人中的两个。
  They'd been dead a long time, only... the bodies are queer." 他们死了好长一段时间,只是……尸体有些古怪。”
  Queer? Pyp was all curiosity. "How queer?" “古怪?”派普一听,兴致就来了。“怎么个古怪法?”
  Sam will tell you. Jon did not want to talk of it. “去问山姆吧,”琼恩不想谈这个。
  "I should see if the Old Bear has need of me." “我该去照顾熊老了。”
  He walked to the Lord Commander's Tower alone, with a curious sense of apprehension. 他独自走向司令塔,心里有种莫名的焦虑。
  The brothers on guard eyed him solemnly as he approached. 守门的弟兄们肃穆地看他走近。
  "The Old Bear's in his solar," one of them announced. "He was asking for you." “熊老在书房里,”其中一人宣布,“他正要找你。”
  Jon nodded. He should have come straight from the stable. 琼恩点点头。他应该直接从马厩过来的。
  He climbed the tower steps briskly. 他快步爬上高塔楼梯,
  He wants wine or a fire in his hearth, that's all, he told himself. 一边告诉自己:司令他要的不过是一杯好酒或炉里的暖火罢了。