冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第775期:第三十八章 琼恩(16)(在线收听

   Jon could scarcely follow what he was saying. 琼恩根本不明白他在说什么。

  "My lord, I don't understand. “司令大人,我不懂。
  What's happened to my father?" 我父亲到底怎么了?”
  "I told you to sit," Mormont grumbled. "Sit," the raven screamed. “我不是叫你坐下么?”莫尔蒙咕哝道。“坐下!”乌鸦尖叫。
  "And have a drink, damn you. That's a command, Snow." “去你的,把酒喝了。雪诺,这是命令。”
  Jon sat, and took a sip of wine. 琼恩坐下,啜了一口酒。
  "Lord Eddard has been imprisoned. “艾德大人目前人在狱中。
  He is charged with treason. It is said he plotted with Robert's brothers to deny the throne to Prince Joffrey." 他被控叛国,信上说他与劳勃的两个弟弟共谋夺取乔佛里的王位。”
  "No," Jon said at once. "That couldn't be. My father would never betray the king!" “不可能!”琼恩立刻说,“绝不可能!父亲他说什么也不会背叛国王!”
  "Be that as it may," said Mormont. "It is not for me to say. Nor for you." “是真的也好,假的也罢,”莫尔蒙道,“总之轮不到我来讲。当然,更轮不到你说。”
  "But it's a lie," Jon insisted. “可这是谎言。”琼恩坚持。
  How could they think his father was a traitor, had they all gone mad? 他们怎么能把父亲当成叛徒?难道他们都疯了?
  Lord Eddard Stark would never dishonor himself... would he? 艾德·史塔克公爵最不可能做的,就是玷污自身名节之事……是吧?
  He fathered a bastard, a small voice whispered inside him. Where was the honor in that? 那他怎么还有个私生子?一个小小的声音在琼恩心里低语,这有何荣誉可言?
  And your mother, what of her? He will not even speak her name. 还有你母亲啊,她怎么样了?他连她的名字都不肯讲。
  "My lord, what will happen to him? Will they kill him?" “大人,他会怎么样?他们会杀他吗?”
  "As to that, I cannot say, lad. I mean to send a letter. “孩子,这我就说不准了。我打算写封信去。
  I knew some of the king's councillors in my youth. 我年轻时认识几位国王的重臣,
  Old Pycelle, Lord Stannis, Sir Barristan... Whatever your father has done, or hasn't done, he is a great lord. 像是老派席尔、史坦尼斯大人、巴利斯坦爵士……无论你父亲有没有做这些,他都是个了不得的领主。
  He must be allowed to take the black and join us here. 一定要让他有穿上黑衣加入我们的机会。
  Gods knows, we need men of Lord Eddard's ability." 天知道我们有多需要像艾德大人这么有才干的人。”