冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第776期:第三十八章 琼恩(17)(在线收听

   Jon knew that other men accused of treason had been allowed to redeem their honor on the Wall in days past. 过去,被控叛国的人的确有到长城赎罪的先例,这琼恩知道。

  Why not Lord Eddard? His father here. 为什么艾德大人不行呢?父亲大人会来这里?
  That was a strange thought, and strangely uncomfortable. 真是个怪异的念头,而且不知怎地令人十分不安。
  It would be a monstrous injustice to strip him of Winterfell and force him to take the black, and yet if it meant his life...  夺走他的临冬城,强迫他穿上黑衣,这是何等的不公不义啊?然而,假如他能因此逃过一劫……
  And would Joffrey allow it? 可乔佛里会答应吗?
  He remembered the prince at Winterfell, the way he'd mocked Robb and Sir Rodrik in the yard. 他忆起王太子在临冬城时,是如何在校场上嘲弄罗柏和罗德利克爵士。
  Jon himself he had scarcely even noticed; bastards were beneath even his contempt. 他倒是没注意琼恩;对他而言,私生子太过微贱,连被他轻蔑都不配。
  "My lord, will the king listen to you?" “大人,国王会听您的话吗?”
  The Old Bear shrugged. "A boy king... I imagine he'll listen to his mother. 熊老耸耸肩。“国王还是个孩子……我看他会听母亲的话罢。
  A pity the dwarf isn't with them. 可惜那侏儒不在他们身边。
  He's the lad's uncle, and he saw our need when he visited us. 他是那孩子的舅舅,也亲眼目睹我们亟需援助的迫切。
  It was a bad thing, your lady mother taking him captive..." 你母亲大人就那样把他抓起来,实在是不妥……”
  "Lady Stark is not my mother," Jon reminded him sharply. “史塔克夫人不是我母亲。”琼恩语气锐利地提醒他。
  Tyrion Lannister had been a friend to him. 提利昂·兰尼斯特待他如友。
  If Lord Eddard was killed, she would be as much to blame as the queen. 倘若艾德大人当真遇害,她和王后要负同样的责任。
  "My lord, what of my sisters? Arya and Sansa, they were with my father, do you know..." “大人,我的妹妹们呢?艾莉亚和珊莎都跟我父亲在一起,您可知道——”
  "Pycelle makes no mention of them, but doubtless they'll be treated gently. “派席尔信上没说,但相信她们定会受到妥善照顾。
  I will ask about them when I write." Mormont shook his head. 我在回信中会问问她们的情形。”莫尔蒙摇摇头。
  "This could not have happened at a worse time. “什么时候不好,偏偏挑这种时候。
  If ever the realm needed a strong king... there are dark days and cold nights ahead, I feel it in my bones... " 王国正需要一个强有力的统治者……眼看黑暗和寒夜就要来临,我这身老骨头都感觉得到……”
  He gave Jon a long shrewd look. "I hope you are not thinking of doing anything stupid, boy." 他意味深长地看了琼恩一眼。“小子,我希望你别做傻事。”