冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第777期:第三十八章 琼恩(18)(在线收听

   He's my father, Jon wanted to say, but he knew that Mormont would not want to hear it. 可他是我父亲啊,琼恩想说,但他知道说给莫尔蒙听也没用。

  His throat was dry. He made himself take another sip of wine. 他只觉喉咙干燥,便逼自己又喝了口酒。
  Your duty is here now, the Lord Commander reminded him. “如今你的职责所在是这里。”司令提醒他。
  "Your old life ended when you took the black." “从你穿上黑衣那一刻起,过去的你便已经死去。”
  His bird made a raucous echo. "Black." Mormont took no notice. 他的鸟儿粗声应和,“黑衣。”莫尔蒙不加理会。
  "Whatever they do in King's Landing is none of our concern." “不管君临发生了什么,都与我们无关。”
  When Jon did not answer, the old man finished his wine and said, "You're free to go. 老人眼看琼恩不答话,便将酒一饮而尽,然后说,“你可以走了。
  I'll have no further need of you today. 我今天都用不着你,
  On the morrow you can help me write that letter." 明天你再来帮我写信罢。”
  Jon did not remember standing or leaving the solar. 琼恩恍如梦中,他不记得自己站起,更不记得如何离开书房。
  The next he knew, he was descending the tower steps, thinking, 等他回过神,自己正一边走下高塔楼梯,一边想:
  This is my father, my sisters, how can it be none of my concern? 出事的是我父亲和我妹妹,怎么可能与我无关呢?
  Outside, one of the guards looked at him and said, "Be strong, boy. The gods are cruel." 到了外面,一名守卫看着他说:“小子,坚强点。诸神很残酷的。”
  They know, Jon realized. " 琼恩这才明白,原来他们都知道。
  My father is no traitor," he said hoarsely. Even the words stuck in his throat, as if to choke him. “我父亲不是叛徒。”他哑着嗓子说。连这番话也卡在喉咙里,仿佛要噎死他。
  The wind was rising, and it seemed colder in the yard than it had when he'd gone in. 风势转强,与先前相比,广场上似乎更冷了。
  Spirit summer was drawing to an end. 鬼夏俨然已近尾声。
  The rest of the afternoon passed as if in a dream. 接下来的大半个下午,就如一场梦般浮过。
  Jon could not have said where he walked, what he did, who he spoke with. 琼恩不知道自己去过什么地方,做过什么事,跟什么人讲过话。
  Ghost was with him, he knew that much. 白灵跟在身边,只有这点他还知道。