冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第778期:第三十八章 琼恩(19)(在线收听

   The silent presence of the direwolf gave him comfort. 冰原狼沉默的存在给了他一点稍微的安慰。

  The girls do not even have that much, he thought. 可妹妹她们连这点安慰都没有,他想。
  Their wolves might have kept them safe, but Lady is dead and Nymeria's lost, they're all alone. 小狼原本可以保护她们,然而淑女已死,娜梅莉亚又行踪成谜,她们都是孤身一人啊。
  A north wind had begun to blow by the time the sun went down. 日落时分,吹起一阵北风。
  Jon could hear it skirling against the Wall and over the icy battlements as he went to the common hall for the evening meal. 前往大厅吃晚餐时,琼恩听见它袭上长城,越过冰砌高墙的尖利声响。
  Hobb had cooked up a venison stew, thick with barley, onions, and carrots. 哈布煮了大锅的鹿肉浓汤,里面有大麦、洋葱和胡萝卜。
  When he spooned an extra portion onto Jon's plate and gave him the crusty heel of the bread, he knew what it meant. He knows. 当他特别多舀了一匙放进琼恩盘子里,又给了他面包最香脆的部分时,他立刻明白这是什么意思。他也知道。
  He looked around the hall, saw heads turn quickly, eyes politely averted. They all know. 琼恩环顾大厅,看见一个个赶忙别开的头,一只只礼貌垂下的眼睛。他们通通都知道。
  His friends rallied to him. 他的朋友们簇拥过来。
  "We asked the septon to light a candle for your father," Matthar told him. “我们请修士为你父亲点了根蜡烛。”梅沙告诉他。
  "It's a lie, we all know it's a lie, even Grenn knows it's a lie," Pyp chimed in. “他们骗人,我们都知道他们骗人,连葛兰都知道他们说谎。”派普插进来。
  Grenn nodded, and Sam clasped Jon's hand, "You're my brother now, so he's my father too," the fat boy said. 葛兰点点头,接着山姆握住琼恩的手。“你我现在是兄弟,所以他也是我的父亲。”胖男孩说,
  "If you want to go out to the weirwoods and pray to the old gods, I'll go with you." “如果你想到鱼梁木树林里去向旧神祷告,我就陪你去。”
  The weirwoods were beyond the Wall, yet he knew Sam meant what he said. 鱼梁木树林远在长城之外,但他知道山姆并非说空话。
  They are my brothers, he thought. As much as Robb and Bran and Rickon...  他们真是我的兄弟啊,他心想,就和罗柏、布兰和瑞肯一样……