冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第781期:第三十八章 琼恩(22)(在线收听

   "There's someone out there, isn't there?" he whispered. “外头有人,是吧?”他轻声说。

  Crouching, the direwolf crept backward, white fur rising on the back of his neck. 冰原狼四肢贴地向后爬开,脖颈的白毛根根竖立。
  The guard, he thought, they left a man to guard my door, Ghost smells him through the door, that's all it is. 一定是那个守卫,他心想,他们派一个人留下看守,看来白灵不喜欢他的味道。
  Slowly, Jon pushed himself to his feet. 琼恩缓缓起身。
  He was shivering uncontrollably, wishing he still had a sword. 他完全无法克制地发着抖,心里希望剑还在手中。
  Three quick steps brought him to the door. 上前三步,他来到门边,
  He grabbed the handle and pulled it inward. 握住门把往里拉,
  The creak of the hinges almost made him jump. 只听铰链一阵嘎吱,差点没吓他跳起来。
  His guard was sprawled bonelessly across the narrow steps, looking up at him. 守卫软绵绵地横躺在狭窄的过道上,头朝上看他。
  Looking up at him, even though he was lying on his stomach. 头朝上看他!腹朝下趴地。
  His head had been twisted completely around. 他的头被整整扭了一百八十度。
  It can't be, Jon told himself. 不可能,琼恩对自己说,
  This is the Lord Commander's Tower, it's guarded day and night, 这是司令大人的居塔,日夜都有人看守,
  this couldn't happen, it's a dream, I'm having a nightmare. 绝不可能发生这种事,我一定是在作梦,我在作噩梦。