冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第782期:第三十八章 琼恩(23)(在线收听

   Ghost slid past him, out the door. The wolf started up the steps, stopped, looked back at Jon. 白灵从他身边溜到门外,朝楼上走去,途中停下脚步,回头看着琼恩。

  That was when he heard it; the soft scrape of a boot on stone, the sound of a latch turning. 就在这时,他听见靴子在石板上的摩擦,以及门闩打开的响动。
  The sounds came from above. From the Lord Commander's chambers. 声音是从楼上传来的,从总司令的房间传来的。
  A nightmare this might be, yet it was no dream. 这或许是一场噩梦,但他绝非置身梦境。
  The guard's sword was in its sheath. 守卫的剑还在鞘里。
  Jon knelt and worked it free. The heft of steel in his fist made him bolder. 琼恩俯身抽出,武器在手,他的胆子也大了起来。
  He moved up the steps, Ghost padding silently before him. 他步上台阶,白灵无声地当着前锋。
  Shadows lurked in every turn of the stair. 楼梯的每个转角都有阴影潜伏。
  Jon crept up warily, probing any suspicious darkness with the point of his sword. 琼恩小心翼翼地前进,一遇可疑暗处,便用剑尖捅刺两下。
  Suddenly he heard the shriek of Mormont's raven. "Corn," the bird was screaming. "Corn, corn, corn, corn, corn, corn." 突然,他听到莫尔蒙乌鸦的尖叫。“玉米!”鸟儿扯着嗓门喊,“玉米!玉米!玉米!玉米!玉米!玉米!”
  Ghost bounded ahead, and Jon came scrambling after. 白灵向前窜去,琼恩也快步登上楼梯。
  The door to Mormont's solar was wide open. 莫尔蒙书房的门大敞。
  The direwolf plunged through. 冰原狼冲了进去。
  Jon stopped in the doorway, blade in hand, giving his eyes a moment to adjust. 琼恩站在门口,手握利剑,以让眼睛适应黑暗。
  Heavy drapes had been pulled across the windows, and the darkness was black as ink. 厚重的垂帘盖住窗户,房里黑暗如墨。
  "Who's there?" he called out. “是谁?”他叫道。