冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第783期:第三十八章 琼恩(24)(在线收听

   Then he saw it, a shadow in the shadows, 然后他看见了:一个阴影中的阴影,

  sliding toward the inner door that led to Mormont's sleeping cell, a man-shape all in black, cloaked and hooded... 一个全身漆黑的人形,身披斗篷、戴着兜帽,正朝莫尔蒙卧室的门滑曳过去……
  but beneath the hood, its eyes shone with an icy blue radiance...  但在兜帽下面,那双眼睛却闪着冰冷的蓝芒。
  Ghost leapt. Man and wolf went down together with neither scream nor snarl, 白灵凌空一跃,人狼同时扑倒,却无尖叫,亦无咆哮。
  rolling, smashing into a chair, knocking over a table laden with papers. 他们连翻带滚,撞碎椅子,碰倒堆满纸张的书桌。
  Mormont's raven was flapping overhead, screaming, "Corn, corn, corn, corn." 莫尔蒙的乌鸦在空中振翅飞舞,一边尖叫:“玉米!玉米!玉米!玉米!”
  Jon felt as blind as Maester Aemon. 在这里面,琼恩觉得自己像伊蒙师傅一样目不视物。
  Keeping the wall to his back, he slid toward the window and ripped down the curtain. 于是他背贴墙走到窗边,伸手扯下帘幕。
  Moonlight flooded the solar. 月光涌进书房,
  He glimpsed black hands buried in white fur, swollen dark fingers tightening around his direwolf's throat. 他瞥见一双黑手深埋于白毛之中,肿胀的手指正渐渐掐紧冰原狼的咽喉。
  Ghost was twisting and snapping, legs flailing in the air, but he could not break free. 白灵又踢又扭,四肢在空中抽动,但无法脱身。
  Jon had no time to be afraid. 琼恩没有时间恐惧。
  He threw himself forward, shouting, bringing down the longsword with all his weight behind it. 他纵身向前,出声大喊,使尽浑身力气挥剑劈下。
  Steel sheared through sleeve and skin and bone, yet the sound was wrong somehow. 钢铁划过衣袖、皮肤和骨头,却不知怎地,声音很不对劲。
  The smell that engulfed him was so queer and cold he almost gagged. 他包围的气息奇怪而冰冷,差点将他噎住。
  He saw arm and hand on the floor, black fingers wriggling in a pool of moonlight. 他看见地上的断臂,黑色的手指正在一泓月光里蠕动。
  Ghost wrenched free of the other hand and crept away, red tongue lolling from his mouth. 白灵从另外一只手中挣脱,伸着红彤彤的舌头爬到一边。