冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第784期:第三十八章 琼恩(25)(在线收听

   The hooded man lifted his pale moon face, and Jon slashed at it without hesitation. 戴着兜帽的人抬起他那张惨白的圆脸,琼恩毫不迟疑,举剑就砍。

  The sword laid the intruder open to the bone, 利剑将他的鼻子劈成两半,
  taking off half his nose and opening a gash cheek to cheek under those eyes, eyes, eyes like blue stars burning. 砍出一道深可见骨、贯穿脸颊的裂口,正好在那双有如燃烧的湛蓝星星般的眼睛下方。
  Jon knew that face. 琼恩认得这张脸。
  Othor, he thought, reeling back. Gods, he's dead, he's dead, I saw him dead. 奥瑟,他踉跄后退,诸神保佑,他死了,他死了,我明明看见他死了。
  He felt something scrabble at his ankle. 他觉得有东西在扒自己脚踝。
  Black fingers clawed at his calf. The arm was crawling up his leg, ripping at wool and flesh. 低头一看,只见漆黑的手指紧紧钳住他的小腿,那条断臂正往大腿上爬,一边撕扯羊毛和肌肉。
  Shouting with revulsion, Jon pried the fingers off his leg with the point of his sword and flipped the thing away. 琼恩感到一阵剧烈的恶心,他大叫一声,连忙用剑尖把脚上的手指撬开,然后把那东西丢掉。
  It lay writhing, fingers opening and closing. 断臂在地上蠕动,手指不断开开阖阖。
  The corpse lurched forward. 尸体蹒跚着向他逼近。
  There was no blood. One-armed, face cut near in half, it seemed to feel nothing. 它一滴血都没流,虽然少了一只手,脸也被几乎劈成两半,但它好像毫无知觉。
  Jon held the longsword before him. "Stay away!" he commanded, his voice gone shrill. 琼恩把长剑举在面前。“不要过来!”他命令,声音刺耳。
  "Corn," screamed the raven, "corn, corn." “玉米!”乌鸦尖叫,“玉米!玉米!”
  The severed arm was wriggling out of its torn sleeve, a pale snake with a black five-fingered head. 地上那条断臂正从裂开的衣袖里钻出来,宛如一条生了五个黑头的白蛇。
  Ghost pounced and got it between his teeth. Finger bones crunched.  白灵挥爪一攫,张口咬住断臂,立即传来指骨碎裂的声音。
  Jon hacked at the corpse's neck, felt the steel bite deep and hard. 琼恩朝尸体的脖子砍下,感觉剑锋深深陷了进去。