冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第785期:第三十八章 琼恩(26)(在线收听

   Dead Othor slammed into him, knocking him off his feet. 奥瑟的尸体冲过来,把他撞倒在地。

  Jon's breath went out of him as the fallen table caught him between his shoulder blades. 琼恩的肩胛骨碰到翻倒的书桌,登时痛得喘不过气。
  The sword, where was the sword? He'd lost the damned sword! 剑在哪里?剑到哪儿去了?他竟然弄丢了那把天杀的剑!
  When he opened his mouth to scream, the wight jammed its black corpse fingers into Jon's mouth. 琼恩张口欲喊,尸鬼却将黑色的手指塞进他嘴里。
  Gagging, he tried to shove it off, but the dead man was too heavy. 他一边噎气,一边想把手推开,但尸体实在太重,
  Its hand forced itself farther down his throat, icy cold, choking him. 鬼手硬是朝他喉咙深处钻,冷得像冰,令他窒息。
  Its face was against his own, filling the world. 那张尸脸紧贴他的脸,遮住了整个世界。
  Frost covered its eyes, sparkling blue. 那对眼睛覆满诡异的冰霜,闪着非人的蓝光。
  Jon raked cold flesh with his nails and kicked at the thing's legs. 琼恩用指甲扒它冰冷的肌肉,踢它的腿,
  He tried to bite, tried to punch, tried to breathe...  试着用嘴巴咬,用手捶,试着呼吸……
  And suddenly the corpse's weight was gone, its fingers ripped from his throat. 突然间尸体的重量消失,喉咙上的手指也被扯开。
  It was all Jon could do to roll over, retching and shaking. 琼恩惟一能做的就只有翻身,拼命呕吐,不断发抖。
  Ghost had it again. 原来是白灵再度攻击。
  He watched as the direwolf buried his teeth in the wight's gut and began to rip and tear. 他看着冰原狼的利齿咬进尸鬼的内脏,又撕又扯。
  He watched, only half conscious, for a long moment before he finally remembered to look for his sword...  他就这么意识模糊地看了好一阵子,才想起来自己该把剑找到……
  ... and saw Lord Mormont, naked and groggy from sleep, standing in the doorway with an oil lamp in hand. ……回身看见浑身赤裸,刚从睡梦中惊醒,还很虚弱的莫尔蒙司令,提着一盏油灯站在过道。
  Gnawed and fingerless, the arm thrashed on the floor, wriggling toward him. 那条被咬得稀烂,又少了指头的断臂正在地板上猛烈摆动,蠕动着朝他爬去。