冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第787期:第三十八章 布兰(1)(在线收听

   A man went before them, pounding out a slow, deep-throated marching rhythm on a drum that was bigger than he was, boom, boom, boom. 有个士卒走在队伍前方,敲着一个比他人还大的鼓,“咚,咚,咚”,击打出缓慢而沉厚的行军节奏。

  Bran watched them come from a guard turret atop the outer wall, peering through Maester Luwin's bronze far-eye while perched on Hodor's shoulders. 布兰待在外城墙上一座守卫塔里,坐在阿多肩头,正用鲁温学士的青铜望远镜观察渐渐走近的军队。
  Lord Rickard himself led them, 瑞卡德伯爵亲自领军,
  his sons Harrion and Eddard and Torrhen riding beside him beneath night-black banners emblazoned with the white sunburst of their House. 他的儿子哈利昂、艾德和托伦骑马与之并肩而行,他们头顶飞扬着以漆黑夜色为底、白色日芒为徽的旗帜。
  Old Nan said they had Stark blood in them, going back hundreds of years, but they did not look like Starks to Bran. 老奶妈说他们体内流有史塔克族人的血液,可以追溯到数百年前,然而在布兰看来,这些人实在不像史塔克家后代,
  They were big men, and fierce, faces covered with thick beards, hair worn loose past the shoulders. 他们个个生得人高马大,神情剽悍,脸上长着粗粗的胡子,发长过肩,
  Their cloaks were made of skins, the pelts of bear and seal and wolf. 披风则是用熊、海豹和狼的皮做成。
  They were the last, he knew. 他知道,这是最后一批军队。
  The other lords were already here, with their hosts. 其他领主已先后率兵抵达。
  Bran yearned to ride out among them, to see the winter houses full to bursting, the jostling crowds in the market square every morning, 布兰满心期盼能和他们一道骑马出城,去看看避冬市镇的屋宇人满为患、挤得水泄不通的模样;看看每天早上市集广场上的摩肩接踵;
  the streets rutted and torn by wheel and hoof. 看看巷道印满车辙马蹄的景况。
  But Robb had forbidden him to leave the castle. 可罗柏不准他离开城堡。
  "We have no men to spare to guard you," his brother had explained. “我们没有多余的人手保护你。”哥哥向他解释。
  "I'll take Summer," Bran argued. “我会带夏天一起去啊。”布兰辩解。