冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第788期:第三十八章 布兰(2)(在线收听

   "Don't act the boy with me, Bran," Robb said. "You know better than that. “布兰,别跟我孩子气,”罗柏说,“你自己很清楚。

  Only two days ago one of Lord Bolton's men knifed one of Lord Cerwyn's at the Smoking Log. 前两天波顿大人的手下才在烟柴酒馆杀了赛文伯爵一位部属。
  Our lady mother would skin me for a pelt if I let you put yourself at risk." 我若是让你身处险境,母亲大人不把我皮剥了才怪。”
  He was using the voice of Robb the Lord when he said it; Bran knew that meant there was no appeal. 说这话的时候,他用的是“罗柏城主”的语气,布兰知道没有回旋余地。
  It was because of what had happened in the wolfswood, he knew. 其实他心里明白,这一定是因为之前狼林里那件事。
  The memory still gave him bad dreams. 如今回想起来,他依然会作噩梦。
  He had been as helpless as a baby, no more able to defend himself than Rickon would have been. 他像个婴儿一般无助,换做小瑞肯,大概也不会比他更无力。
  Less, even... Rickon would have kicked them, at the least. It shamed him. 说不定他还比不上瑞肯……瑞肯至少能踢他们。为此他深感羞耻。
  He was only a few years younger than Robb; if his brother was almost a man grown, so was he. 他只比罗柏小几岁;假如哥哥已近成年,那他也相去不远。
  He should have been able to protect himself. 照说他应该能保卫自己才对。
  A year ago, before, he would have visited the town even if it meant climbing over the walls by himself. 若是一年前,在事情发生以前,就算必须爬墙,他也会去探访市镇。
  In those days he could run down stairs, get on and off his pony by himself, 那些日子里他可以奔跑楼梯,不假他人之力上下小马,
  and wield a wooden sword good enough to knock Prince Tommen in the dirt. 还可以挥舞木剑,将托曼王子打倒在地。
  Now he could only watch, peering out through Maester Luwin's lens tube. 如今他只有拿鲁温师傅的透镜管观望的份。
  The maester had taught him all the banners: the mailed fist of the Glovers, silver on scarlet; 老学士把所有的旗帜家徽都教给了他:葛洛佛家族红底银色的钢甲拳套旗,
  Lady Mormont's black bear; the hideous flayed man that went before Roose Bolton of the Dreadfort;  莫尔蒙伯爵夫人的大黑熊旗,飞扬于恐怖堡领主卢斯·波顿队伍前方的剥皮人旗,
  a bull moose for the Hornwoods; a battle-axe for the Cerwyns; 霍伍德家族的驼鹿旗,赛文家族的战斧旗,
  three sentinel trees for the Tallharts; and the fearsome sigil of House Umber, a roaring giant in shattered chains. 陶哈家族的参天三哨兵树旗,以及安伯家族那吓人的碎链咆哮巨人旗。