冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第789期:第三十八章 布兰(3)(在线收听

   And soon enough he learned the faces too, when the lords and their sons and knights retainer came to Winterfell to feast. 短短时日里,北境诸侯们纷纷带着儿子、骑士和部属前来临冬城聚餐,他把他们的容貌也都记住了。

  Even the Great Hall was not large enough to seat all of them at once, so Robb hosted each of the principal bannermen in turn. 即便城堡大厅,也无法同时容纳所有人,于是罗柏依次分开宴请主要封臣。
  Bran was always given the place of honor at his brother's right hand. 布兰通常坐在哥哥右边的荣誉高位,
  Some of the lords bannermen gave him queer hard stares as he sat there, 可总有些领主眼神怪异地看着他,
  as if they wondered by what right a green boy should be placed above them, and him a cripple too. 仿佛在质疑这么个乳臭未干的小孩儿有何资格坐他们上位,更何况他还是个残废。
  How many is it now? Bran asked Maester Luwin as Lord Karstark and his sons rode through the gates in the outer wall. “之前到了多少人?”卡史塔克伯爵和他的儿子们骑马穿过外墙城门时,布兰问鲁温学士。
  Twelve thousand men, or near enough as makes no matter. “约莫一万两千人吧。”
  How many knights? “有多少骑士呢?”
  Few enough, the maester said with a touch of impatience. “非常少。”老师傅话中有些不耐烦,
  "To be a knight, you must stand your vigil in a sept, and be anointed with the seven oils to consecrate your vows. “要成为骑士,你必须先在圣堂里守夜,接受修士用七种圣油的涂抹,宣读誓言后方能得到祝福。
  In the north, only a few of the great houses worship the Seven. The rest honor the old gods,  在我们北方,多数人信奉旧神,少有贵族归化七神,
  and name no knights... but those lords and their sons and sworn swords are no less fierce or loyal or honorable. 所以并不册封骑士……然而这些领主和他们的儿子、部下不论武艺、忠诚还是荣誉感,可一点也不输他人。
  A man's worth is not marked by a ser before his name. 人的价值并非以爵士这个头衔来衡量,
  As I have told you a hundred times before." 我已经告诉过你几百遍了。”
  Still, said Bran, "how many knights?" “可是,”布兰说,“到底有几个骑士嘛?”
  Maester Luwin sighed. "Three hundred, perhaps four... among three thousand armored lances who are not knights." 鲁温学士叹了口气。“三四百罢……但骑马配枪的普通战士总共约有三千。”
  Lord Karstark is the last, Bran said thoughtfully. "Robb will feast him tonight." “卡史塔克大人是最后来的,”布兰若有所思地说,“罗柏今晚会宴请他。”
  No doubt he will. “毫无疑问。”