冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第790期:第三十八章 布兰(4)(在线收听

   How long before... before they go? “还有多久……他们才会出发?”

  He must march soon, or not at all, Maester Luwin said. “他得尽快动身,否则就走不了了。”鲁温师傅道,
  "The winter town is full to bursting, and this army of his will eat the countryside clean if it camps here much longer. “避冬市镇里已经人满为患,而这支军队若是再待久一点,会把附近地区的存粮吃得一干二净。
  Others are waiting to join him all along the kingsroad, barrow knights and crannogmen and the Lords Manderly and Flint. 更何况国王大道沿途还有荒冢地的骑士,泽地人,曼德勒伯爵和佛林特伯爵等着加入呢。
  The fighting has begun in the riverlands, and your brother has many leagues to go." 战火已在三河流域蔓延开来,你哥哥有很长一段路要走。”
  I know. Bran felt as miserable as he sounded. “我知道。”布兰说。
  He handed the bronze tube back to the maester, and noticed how thin Luwin's hair had grown on top. 他把青铜镜管还给老学士,一边注意到鲁温脑顶的头发愈发稀少,
  He could see the pink of scalp showing through. 以至于粉红的头皮若隐若现。
  It felt queer to look down on him this way, when he'd spent his whole life looking up at him, 这样从上俯视他感觉有些古怪,自己向来都是抬头仰望他的。
  but when you sat on Hodor's back you looked down on everyone. 话说回来,一旦坐上阿多的肩头,无论是看谁都成了俯视。
  "I don't want to watch anymore. Hodor, take me back to the keep." “我不想看了。阿多,带我回城去。”
  Hodor, said Hodor. Maester Luwin tucked the tube up his sleeve. “阿多。”阿多说。鲁温师傅把镜管藏进袖子。
  "Bran, your lord brother will not have time to see you now. “布兰,你哥哥现在没空见你,
  He must greet Lord Karstark and his sons and make them welcome." 他得去迎接卡史塔克大人父子一行。”
  I won't trouble Robb. I want to visit the godswood. “我不会打扰罗柏,我要去神木林。”
  He put his hand on Hodor's shoulder. "Hodor." 他把手放在阿多的肩上。“阿多。”
  A series of chisel-cut handholds made a ladder in the granite of the tower's inner wall. 塔楼内部的大理石墙上,有一连串凿出的把手,可作攀爬的楼梯。