冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第791期:第三十八章 布兰(5)(在线收听

   Hodor hummed tunelessly as he went down hand under hand, 阿多一边哼着不成调的小曲,一边慢慢地爬下去。

  Bran bouncing against his back in the wicker seat that Maester Luwin had fashioned for him. 布兰坐在他背后的柳条篮子里,晃荡不停。篮子是鲁温学士特别制作的,
  Luwin had gotten the idea from the baskets the women used to carry firewood on their backs; 他从妇女捡拾柴火所用的背篮中得到灵感,
  after that it had been a simple matter of cutting legholes and attaching some new straps to spread Bran's weight more evenly. 在此基础上割出两个洞让脚伸出,多加几条皮带以分散布兰的重量,完成了这个作品。
  It was not as good as riding Dancer, but there were places Dancer could not go, 这当然比不上骑乘小舞的感觉,但小舞有很多地方没法去,
  and this did not shame Bran the way it did when Hodor carried him in his arms like a baby. 况且比起被阿多像个婴儿似的抱来抱去,这样起码不会让布兰觉得那么丢脸。
  Hodor seemed to like it too, though with Hodor it was hard to tell. 阿多似乎也挺喜欢这个设计,虽然阿多到底在想些什么谁也说不准。
  The only tricky part was doors. 惟一麻烦的是进出门,
  Sometimes Hodor forgot that he had Bran on his back, and that could be painful when he went through a door. 阿多有时会忘记背上还有个小布兰,这种进门方式可真让他疼痛难忘。
  For near a fortnight there had been so many comings and goings that Robb ordered both portcullises kept up and the drawbridge down between them, 近两周来,由于人马进出频繁,罗柏下令将内外城墙的闸门全都升起,两者之间的吊桥也放下,
  even in the dead of night. 即使入夜也不例外。
  A long column of armored lancers was crossing the moat between the walls when Bran emerged from the tower; 布兰从守卫塔出来时,一列长长的重装枪骑兵纵队正穿越护城河,
  Karstark men, following their lords into the castle. 他们是卡史塔克家的部队,正跟随主子进入城堡。
  They wore black iron halfhelms and black woolen cloaks patterned with the white sunburst. 这群人头戴黑色的半罩铁盔,身披有着白色日芒图案的黑羊毛披风。
  Hodor trotted along beside them, smiling to himself, his boots thudding against the wood of the drawbridge.  阿多快步走在旁边,自顾自地笑,靴子咚咚咚踩着木头吊桥。